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Every Missing Piece (2020)

par Melanie Conklin

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341735,360 (4.2)9
"Ever since her father died in a terrible accident, Maddy Gaines has worried a lot. She calls the police so often that she's on a first-name basis with the Sheriff. When a new boy moves to town, Maddy is convinced that he's not who he says he is-he's a boy who went missing six months ago. Maddy, her dog, her best friend, and her stepdad team up to see what he's hiding"--… (plus d'informations)

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It’s a heartfelt, beautifully told story about a family struggling through the big and small adjustments in their lives and Maddy’s effort to understand the changes that have resulted…especially the recent introduction of a step father. Maddy… a sixth grader…just wants her old life back…but as her best friend tells her “You just have to get used to it.” When she finally learns what really happened to the missing boy...Billy and his mother…she learns to accept some hard truths about the emotional effects that domestic violence can have on everyone. It’s a book designed for 5th through 7th grade students…but it is well worth adults taking some time out to visit with Maddy. ( )
  Carol420 | Jul 6, 2020 |
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"Ever since her father died in a terrible accident, Maddy Gaines has worried a lot. She calls the police so often that she's on a first-name basis with the Sheriff. When a new boy moves to town, Maddy is convinced that he's not who he says he is-he's a boy who went missing six months ago. Maddy, her dog, her best friend, and her stepdad team up to see what he's hiding"--

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Melanie Conklin est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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