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It Sleeps in Me

par Kathleen O'Neal Gear

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Séries: In Me (Book 1), Black Falcon Trilogy (1)

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1463193,846 (3.58)1
Sora is the wise, young High Chieftess of the Black Falcon Nation. For many winters her heart belonged to her husband, Flint, a warrior from a neighboring clan. Flint truly loved Sora, and together they explored the world of passion and love. But Flint was very jealous and on more than one occasion beat men to death for merely casting a longing glance at Sora. Unable to live with his murderous rage, Flint packed up his things and moved back to his mother's clan, divorcing Sora and leaving her forever. Remarried and fully devoted to her duties as the High Chieftess, Sora tries to bury her memories of Flint. But she is forcibly reminded of her lost love when, on the eve of war with a neighboring nation, when she is visited by Skinner, an old friend of Flint's. He brings word of Flint's death, but Sora notices something strange about Skinner; it is as if he carries a part of Flint's soul inside of him. When he starts revealing secrets that only Flint would know, and arousing her passion in ways only Flint had, Sora must figure out if this is merely the clever witchcraft of enemies who want to seize her power and destroy her nation or the spirit of her one and only true love.… (plus d'informations)

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Review: It Sleeps In Me by Kathleen O’Neal Gear.

I enjoyed the historical aspect of the book. Kathleen Gear was clear and insightful about the cultures of that time era. Most of her books, along with this one, shows how well researched she is when it comes to the native people. Throughout the book I was mesmerized with the culture and the beliefs of these tribes. She has modified her writing in this novel to a more updated version but still keeping the anthropological detailed time and setting. The story was well organized, interesting, intriguing and concluded as a great mystery. As I was reading I kept trying to predict what would happen next and how the ending would turn out but with the surprising twist and turns of events it was really unpredictable. There were a few scenes (I could have done without) that were very sexually graphic, in full detail, the sexual desire that the main character, Sora liked to be a part of and experience fully.

The story is about Sora, a Native American Chieftess who divorced from Flint and remarried to an older man named Rockfish. She ruled the Black Falcon Nation and she faced other opposing clans, misleading friends, and a medical defect of seizures unbeknownst to her. Just as political problems started among the clans she was forced to consider going to war. Sora also learns from a good friend, Skinner that her first husband has died. Flint was the love of her life and this message placed her in a whole different world. Skinner had come to her because he claimed he had to tell her Flint’s last words.
Sora soon feels and believes Flint’s shadow soul is moving from body to body in an effort to stay on earth with her.

However, in the meantime Chief Blue Bow, the enemy Loon Nation, ask Sora for warriors to help attack another clan. As she seeks council from her second husband, Rockfish and her best friend Wink. Sora is shocked that they are eager to accept Blue Bow’s proposal of receiving a bounty of a large Jade stone. Sora becomes confused and feels a great conspiracy going on, one that would overthrow her position as Chieftess.

Many more events of criminal activity takes place including adultery with men who Sora believes are Flint. Sora has times she couldn’t remember what she did or where she went. The ending was compelling and a surprise to me. I enjoyed the book and thought it was unpredictable all the way through.
( )
  Juan-banjo | May 31, 2016 |
I wanted so much to like this book.The novel had so much going for it historical accuracy,mystery and strong female protagonist but unfortunately the narrative was lacking in flow.Ultimately it was bogged down in details and was overly repetitive.I finished the book feeling very confused as to what I was supposed to feel.Shocked,betrayed,scared?In the end I was just apathetic.I doubt I'll bother reading the sequel since I didn't care for this book at all. ( )
  SunnyReader71 | Feb 21, 2011 |
From the description I thought this was simply going to be a romance novel with a prehistoric setting. I was a little hesitant, as this is not the kind of book I'd normally pick up and read, but since it was my New Book For a New Year, I dived in. Boy, was I wrong. Although this book is an highly charged erotic romance, it is also a mystery, and a fascinating peek into the culture of the Lake Jackson natives. The author did an awesome job with her research, and whatever elements she invented fit believably into the narrative. I was quite impressed, and will make an effort to get my hands on the other two books in the trilogy to find out what happens to Sora and Flint next. ( )
  sarradee | Jan 11, 2007 |
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Kathleen O'Neal Gearauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Natale, VinceArtiste de la couvertureauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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In Me (Book 1)
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Sora is the wise, young High Chieftess of the Black Falcon Nation. For many winters her heart belonged to her husband, Flint, a warrior from a neighboring clan. Flint truly loved Sora, and together they explored the world of passion and love. But Flint was very jealous and on more than one occasion beat men to death for merely casting a longing glance at Sora. Unable to live with his murderous rage, Flint packed up his things and moved back to his mother's clan, divorcing Sora and leaving her forever. Remarried and fully devoted to her duties as the High Chieftess, Sora tries to bury her memories of Flint. But she is forcibly reminded of her lost love when, on the eve of war with a neighboring nation, when she is visited by Skinner, an old friend of Flint's. He brings word of Flint's death, but Sora notices something strange about Skinner; it is as if he carries a part of Flint's soul inside of him. When he starts revealing secrets that only Flint would know, and arousing her passion in ways only Flint had, Sora must figure out if this is merely the clever witchcraft of enemies who want to seize her power and destroy her nation or the spirit of her one and only true love.

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