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par Stacey Osbeck

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Josh is an introverted teenager with hopes of becoming a mystery writer. For him mysteries always happen behind a desk, until the day he finds himself entangled in a peculiar local crime in a one-stop-sign-small Mississippi town. Now Josh must overcome his shyness if he wants to both clear his name and be able to talk to his crush. By day, he engages in some amateur detective work. At night, he writes an old-fashioned British whodunit. Without him hardly noticing, kudzu, the famously invasive Southern vine creeps in through his window. As the vine grows in, people from town and their characteristics sprout up in his writing. The two stories start overlapping and entwining. Clues in one help him work out the other. But in the end, when both mysteries are solved and the culprits revealed, the real question is will Josh win over the girl?… (plus d'informations)

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I won a signed copy through Goodreads. At first I was a bit skeptical of reading the story. I didn’t know how I would take reading a book about a story of an author who was writing a story, where do you actually got to read that story. I was worried it would distract me too much. But Stacey Osbeck did a remarkable job of making each story come to life so much so that I was quickly drawn into both in a seamless way that just made me want to keep reading. Outside of the story, her descriptions of the woods and life in the rural and hot south were spot-on. It’s been a long time since my college days, living in the south, and having walked through a forest full of kudzu, but through her writing, I was able to transfer myself back two decades to those magical feelings I had of being surrounded by mystery and just seeming that anything is possible. I found it to be a delightful, quick-read, YA story. ( )
  MissLissa23 | Mar 24, 2021 |
I won a signed copy through Goodreads. At first I was a bit skeptical of reading the story. I didn’t know how I would take reading a book about a story of an author who was writing a story, where do you actually got to read that story. I was worried it would distract me too much. But Stacey Osbeck did a remarkable job of making each story come to life so much so that I was quickly drawn into both in a seamless way that just made me want to keep reading. Outside of the story, her descriptions of the woods and life in the rural and hot south were spot-on. It’s been a long time since my college days, living in the south, and having walked through a forest full of kudzu, but through her writing, I was able to transfer myself back two decades to those magical feelings I had of being surrounded by mystery and just seeming that anything is possible. I found it to be a delightful, quick-read, YA story. ( )
  MissLissa23 | Mar 24, 2021 |
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Josh is an introverted teenager with hopes of becoming a mystery writer. For him mysteries always happen behind a desk, until the day he finds himself entangled in a peculiar local crime in a one-stop-sign-small Mississippi town. Now Josh must overcome his shyness if he wants to both clear his name and be able to talk to his crush. By day, he engages in some amateur detective work. At night, he writes an old-fashioned British whodunit. Without him hardly noticing, kudzu, the famously invasive Southern vine creeps in through his window. As the vine grows in, people from town and their characteristics sprout up in his writing. The two stories start overlapping and entwining. Clues in one help him work out the other. But in the end, when both mysteries are solved and the culprits revealed, the real question is will Josh win over the girl?

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