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Powerplay (Northbrook Hockey Elite Book 2)

par Heather B. Moore

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He's ready to quit his pro-hockey career. She's doing everything to keep her career afloat. And neither of them have time for distractions.Jax Emerson, legendary forward for the Chicago Flyers, is ready to throw it all away when he uncovers the truth behind his NHL contract. The last thing he needs is more media attention, or his father to get involved in his contract, or a beautiful woman apologizing once again for an accident.Meg Bailey didn't think her life could get any worse, until it does. Time is running out before her business is forced to close. When Jax Emerson offers a solution, she knows that by accepting his help, she might be getting in too deep. And deep is not a place her heart is prepared to go. Welcome to Northbrook Hockey Elite Six professional hockey players used to play on an elite club team together, but have all separated and now play in the pro-hockey leagues. Not all of them were friends, yet circumstances bring them together, and for the greater good, maybe they can put aside their differences.Visit us on Facebook: Swoony Sports RomancesNorthbrook Hockey Elite Series: FaceoffPowerplayReboundCrosscheckBreakawayShootoutLove sports romance? Check out our baseball romance series: The Belltown Six Pack… (plus d'informations)

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The more I read about hockey experiences the more I wonder if this is a sport that I should be getting more into! Powerplay is the second book in the Northbrook Hockey Elite series, and with each volume I fall more in love not only with the characters and the series, but with the sport itself!

In this book we meet Jax, a natural talent with lots of insecurities and a hot temper, which is what I would expect from a hockey player. Meghan is a Chicago hockey fan that is not like any girl that Jax has ever met, and that's not including the unorthodox way their paths happen to cross, which is absolutely unexpected, and quite unique, but the chemistry between the two is palpable from the beginning, and it's not hard to root for the pair.

The scenes that cover the hockey games put you right there in the action, taking these moments to a higher level, thanks to the incredible writing of Heather B. Moore. The conflict of the story is a heavy blanket draped over the entire narrative, but this strife gives such great depth to both Jax and Meghan, and makes the resolution even more satisfying.

This series continues to get better and better and I can't wait for Rebound, Book #3, to come out January 14th!! ( )
  cflores0420 | Jan 7, 2020 |
Well, I certainly didn’t see that meet-cute coming (and can it be called a meet-cute if someone is hospitalized in the process?).

Book number two in the Northbrook Hockey Elite series takes readers to Chicago and into the lives of hockey sensation Jax Emerson and Meghan Baily, a struggling boutique owner. The chemistry between these two melts the ice.

I do have one small complaint, though. As a die-hard hockey fan, it bothered me that in one of the games Jax scores three goals and the hat trick celebration isn’t mentioned at all. In fact, those two words (hat trick) don’t even appear in print. If you’re not a fan of hockey (or maybe just new to the sport), this little quirk probably isn’t going to bother you much.

Even so, this hockey romance is heavy on the romance, which managed to sooth my objection.
While Powerplay is a standalone book, you are doing yourself a disservice if you don’t start with Faceoff because that’s where you get an idea of the relationships and personalities of the former members of the Northbrook Hockey Elite club.

When is book three coming again? For those keeping track, the answer is January 14, 2020.

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I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255. ( )
  Suzie27 | Dec 19, 2019 |
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He's ready to quit his pro-hockey career. She's doing everything to keep her career afloat. And neither of them have time for distractions.Jax Emerson, legendary forward for the Chicago Flyers, is ready to throw it all away when he uncovers the truth behind his NHL contract. The last thing he needs is more media attention, or his father to get involved in his contract, or a beautiful woman apologizing once again for an accident.Meg Bailey didn't think her life could get any worse, until it does. Time is running out before her business is forced to close. When Jax Emerson offers a solution, she knows that by accepting his help, she might be getting in too deep. And deep is not a place her heart is prepared to go. Welcome to Northbrook Hockey Elite Six professional hockey players used to play on an elite club team together, but have all separated and now play in the pro-hockey leagues. Not all of them were friends, yet circumstances bring them together, and for the greater good, maybe they can put aside their differences.Visit us on Facebook: Swoony Sports RomancesNorthbrook Hockey Elite Series: FaceoffPowerplayReboundCrosscheckBreakawayShootoutLove sports romance? Check out our baseball romance series: The Belltown Six Pack

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