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Stories from Home

par Jerry Clower

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1811,225,447 (4.5)Aucun
Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:

Brimming with his rich humor, Jerry Clower's book manifests the unsurpassed southern art of yarn spinning. It shows as well the nature of the man for whom good storytelling is more than just show business.

Nashville's funniest man had a serious side. Deep in the merry heart of this comic entertainer were the codes and values that made him an esteemed humanitarian.

He was named America's best country comic for nine years in a row and was called "the funniest American storyteller since Will Rogers" and "the Mouth of the Mighty Mississippi." This boisterous, down-home man's loving, extroverted manner and his forthright display of positive feelings for others arose from the substance of sober, rock-solid regional values he gained from maturing in the rural South. Stories from Home embraces both Jerry Clowers, the funny man and the serious man, and shows his anecdotal humor in the mainstream of the South's great oral tradition of folktales and narratives.

Jerry Clower's hilarious stories about possum hunting, coon dogs, and the rambunctious Ledbetter clan were standards in his stage routines, videos, and albums. In Stories from Home many of his fans' favorite Clower tales are included. Here, too, is a long interview in which he explored his beliefs and tells how he gained firm convictions about race, religion, education, and family as well as an intolerance of negativism.

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I’ve been a fan of Jerry Clower my entire life and this collection of his “stories told funny” are some of his essential tales that still bring back extremely fond memories of time spent with my grandfather listening to Jerry Clower records on Sunday afternoons. I can still hear his voice ring. There will never be another humorist like Jerry Clower and this book is a must have for anyone who is even slightly a Jerry Clower fan. ( )
  Tim.Roberson | Jan 3, 2020 |
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Nonfiction. Humor (Nonfiction.) HTML:

Brimming with his rich humor, Jerry Clower's book manifests the unsurpassed southern art of yarn spinning. It shows as well the nature of the man for whom good storytelling is more than just show business.

Nashville's funniest man had a serious side. Deep in the merry heart of this comic entertainer were the codes and values that made him an esteemed humanitarian.

He was named America's best country comic for nine years in a row and was called "the funniest American storyteller since Will Rogers" and "the Mouth of the Mighty Mississippi." This boisterous, down-home man's loving, extroverted manner and his forthright display of positive feelings for others arose from the substance of sober, rock-solid regional values he gained from maturing in the rural South. Stories from Home embraces both Jerry Clowers, the funny man and the serious man, and shows his anecdotal humor in the mainstream of the South's great oral tradition of folktales and narratives.

Jerry Clower's hilarious stories about possum hunting, coon dogs, and the rambunctious Ledbetter clan were standards in his stage routines, videos, and albums. In Stories from Home many of his fans' favorite Clower tales are included. Here, too, is a long interview in which he explored his beliefs and tells how he gained firm convictions about race, religion, education, and family as well as an intolerance of negativism.


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