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The Big Uneasy (Around the World, #2)

par A. E. Radley

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They say opposites attract, but can lightning strike twice?Rebecca has convinced Arabella to accompany her on a trip to New Orleans. Both women are struggling to figure out their new relationship as Rebecca gives Arabella the space she requests, and Arabella comes to terms with her unexpected feelings for the younger woman.Meeting Rebecca's friend, Jenn, gives them the chance to learn more about each other. While Jenn starts to fall for her own older woman from out of town.The second book in the Around the World Series, following on from the smash hit success The Road Ahead.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté paramcheri, AngelaR_FF, Warmus

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Lots of humor and fun characters and situations. Just what readers have come to expect from the author. ( )
  amcheri | Jan 5, 2023 |
ARC received from author with thanks for an honest review - THANK you so much A.E.

I LOVED this book. You can read this as a stand alone book or as a continuation of Rebecca and Arabella's story. This book is set in New Orleans and the author does a great job of describing the city, the food, the entertainment and the atmosphere and made me want to visit the city again. The book also introduces Jenn and Kathryn, which are terrific characters. This book made me laugh out loud and cry. A.E. did a terrific job in making me feel for Rebecca and her love for Arabella, but unsure of how to move forward, while giving Arabella the space she needed. Jenn is a hard working, has multiple jobs (I think there were 9) fun loving lesbian and Kathryn is the typical "straight" ice-queen dumped in New Orleans for a much needed "vacation". This book is a very slow burn romance between Jenn and Kathryn, but continues the story of Rebecca and Arabella. Like the Road Ahead, this book left me wanting more of all the characters. I certainly hope there will be a third book! ( )
  AngelaR_FF | Jan 3, 2020 |
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They say opposites attract, but can lightning strike twice?Rebecca has convinced Arabella to accompany her on a trip to New Orleans. Both women are struggling to figure out their new relationship as Rebecca gives Arabella the space she requests, and Arabella comes to terms with her unexpected feelings for the younger woman.Meeting Rebecca's friend, Jenn, gives them the chance to learn more about each other. While Jenn starts to fall for her own older woman from out of town.The second book in the Around the World Series, following on from the smash hit success The Road Ahead.

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