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Say You Love Me

par Willow Rose

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Former FBI-profiler Eva Rae Thomas is back and embedded in a true nightmare reaching deep into her own family. What would you do if your brother was accused of a horrible crime, and you were certain he didn't do it? Life is not done throwing Eva Rae Thomas curveballs. A phone call turns her life upside down - once again. The call is from her father, the man she hasn't seen in 36 years, not since he kidnapped her sister in a supermarket. Now, he is back in Florida, and he needs her help. Her younger brother - who she didn't know existed - has been arrested on Amelia Island. The boy is in a coma after being shot by an officer during the incident. But his father doesn't believe the police, and he asks for Eva Rae's help to prove it. At the same time, a serial killer is planning one of the most horrific mass killings in history. Will Eva Rae find it in her heart to help her father after what he did to her? Will facing him again set her free or pull her under? Say You Love Me is the fourth book in the Eva Rae Thomas Mystery Series and can be listened to as a stand-alone.… (plus d'informations)

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Whoa…Willow Rose sure knows how to grab me by the throat, leaving me gasping, hoping…will they get to her in time?

No one thinks it will happen to them…a school shooting…

Eva had found her long lost sister, and now she has found that she has a long lost brother and her estranged father. And they need her help. She can’t say no.

Her characters are unique, fascinating and complicated.

Willow Rose has so much going on in Say You Love me that my head is spinning. She has an ability to spin a complicated web, making me wonder how it will all come together.


The villain is having a great time and sharing it, streaming it live online, the viewers scream for blood. Disgusting, frightening, and it unfolds like a Criminal Minds episode.

Eva Rae also has a full plate when it comes to her personal life. It is complicated, but she brings some of it on herself, unable to make the commitment to her cop boyfriend, Matt. I love him. He has the patience of a saint, but everyone has their breaking point. Her ex wants her back. Sure, they had good times and the kids would love it, but….

I don;t like what happens at 70%, but I’m not telling.

Willow Rose wrote Say You Love Me while hurricane Dorian was threatening the coast. I love that she worked that into the story and created more nail biting and danger. Never too much suspense for me and she gives me a steady supply in all her books.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Say You Love Me by Willow Rose.

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  sherry69 | Oct 28, 2019 |
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Former FBI-profiler Eva Rae Thomas is back and embedded in a true nightmare reaching deep into her own family. What would you do if your brother was accused of a horrible crime, and you were certain he didn't do it? Life is not done throwing Eva Rae Thomas curveballs. A phone call turns her life upside down - once again. The call is from her father, the man she hasn't seen in 36 years, not since he kidnapped her sister in a supermarket. Now, he is back in Florida, and he needs her help. Her younger brother - who she didn't know existed - has been arrested on Amelia Island. The boy is in a coma after being shot by an officer during the incident. But his father doesn't believe the police, and he asks for Eva Rae's help to prove it. At the same time, a serial killer is planning one of the most horrific mass killings in history. Will Eva Rae find it in her heart to help her father after what he did to her? Will facing him again set her free or pull her under? Say You Love Me is the fourth book in the Eva Rae Thomas Mystery Series and can be listened to as a stand-alone.

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