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Sisters by Choice

par Susan Mallery

Séries: Blackberry Island (4)

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2014139,983 (3.74)1
Cousins by chance, sisters by choice ... After her cat toy empire goes up in flames, Sophie Lane returns to Blackberry Island, determined to rebuild. Until small-town life reveals a big problem: she can't grow unless she learns to let go. If Sophie relaxes her grip even a little, she might lose everything. Or she might finally be free to reach for the happiness and love that have eluded her for so long. Kristine has become defined by her relationship to others. She's a wife, a mum. As much as she adores her husband and sons, she wants something for herself - a sweet little bakery just off the waterfront. She knew changing the rules wouldn't be easy, but she never imagined she might have to choose between her marriage and her dreams. Like the mainland on the horizon, Heather's goals seem beyond her grasp. Every time she manages to save for college, her mother has another crisis. Can she break free, or will she be trapped in this tiny life forever?… (plus d'informations)

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4 sur 4
Well this is hard. I loved this series and this latest book was a flop with me. I think the main issue that the sisters by choice only works for two of the characters. One of the characters in this story learned nothing and got rewarded for it. The character development was lacking and the dialogue was so off in some places.

"Sisters by Choice" follows business owner Sophie Lane, her cousin Kristine, and their second cousin (I think that's what she is) Heather. Sophie returns to Blackberry Island after a fire destroys her business trying to start again. Kristine a stay at home mom has bigger dreams for herself, but a husband who doesn't support her. Heather wants to leave the island and her emotionally and physically (at times) abusive mother behind for college. This book follows the three women as they try to get back on track.

So the book at times didn't seem all linked in. We know the three women interact, but mostly it is Sophie and Kristine. Heather does interact with Sophie a lot more than she does Kristine. And I did like all of the scenes with Sophie and Kristine and needed more of that. That said, the three women needed more development.

Sophie is just blind to her faults to the point I got sick of reading about them. I started to get annoyed by her and her "quirks". I also did loathe people (Kristine) acting as if her getting married was the only thing she really needed in her life. Gah. At least Mallery stuck with Sophie staying single with no kids throughout. I hate when romance writers do that well the love of a good man changed her. I personally don't want to get married or have kids. Idris Elba can show up here divorced and buck naked and that's not going to change what I want. I just didn't like her love interest (he was smug and talked down to her I thought) and hated how she was just used to prop up another character who didn't need/deserve it.

Kristine was the only story-line I was invested in. Her husband is a sexist. Heck, her one son was on the way to being one. I liked the look at how some people view stay at home moms. I didn't think the ending was realistic to her story-line.

Heather was an enabler. Her mother and her have a mutual destructive relationship. I felt bad for her at first, but as others said, she needed to get away and move on. I just thought her story-line was boring after a while.

The other characters don't really do much in this. I wish that previous characters had shown up or been mentioned. I loved this series because Blackberry Island sounded magical and fun and we don't get much of the characters interacting with the setting at all I thought.

The ending was a whatever to me. A secondary character who is the worst gets rewarded and it annoyed the life out of me. ( )
  ObsidianBlue | Jul 1, 2020 |
I enjoyed this book. Getting to know Sophie, Kristine, and Heather. Although, I will admit that it felt like this book was more focused on Sophie and Kristine. I did not really feel like I got to really know who Heather was. Her parts were shorter.

My favorite person was Kristine. While, what she had to face with her family to pursue her dreams may have been difficult, I am happy that it turned out great in the end for her. I could relate to her the most. All three of these ladies will have you cheering for them.

Where Heather was concerned, I felt bad for her. She just wanted to break free and make it on her own. However duty to family was so strong that her voice was quieter. Finally, there was Sophie. I thought she handled the situations she faced very well. She did stay upbeat. Susan Mallery fans will be pleased with this latest book in the Blackberry Island series. ( )
  Cherylk | Feb 16, 2020 |
Sisters by Choice by Susan Mallery
Blackberry Island #4

Mixed feelings on this book. The writing was excellent and the issues believable but I really had trouble relating to some of the characters and the issues they were facing. I think that it might have been too laden with negative issues that had to be dealt with and provided too little happiness and light to be one of my favorite books by this author.

My thoughts:
* Amber was awful – she was petty petulant and perfectly horrid in her way of treating everyone and that included her daughter
* Sophie was hard to relate to – she was driven, unable to trust, a micromanager and rather immature – wasn’t sure what Dugan saw in her
* Kristin had a dream – organized, efficient, great mom and wife but unfulfilled. Pursuing her dream had the potential of derailing all she held dear – was it worth it?
* Heather was trapped – her mother the mooch took and took and kept her tied down – would she ever get away?
Jaxsen – flawed but Kristine loved him and he loved her – if he could get his head screwed on straight and then communicate with Kristin – well – they might have a future that was better than their previous years together
* Dugan – a hunk and a half – really do not see what he saw in Sophie but liked him as a book boyrfriend
* Supporting characters were great: Maggie, Eliot, Tina, Bear, the three sons of Christine, Lily & Mrs. Bennett.
* I think I was expecting a more upbeat story...and this left me a bit unsettled.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes & No
Why no? It didn’t make me happy...left me feeling unsettled with a HFN feel at the end
Would I read more by this author? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin - Mira for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4-5 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Feb 10, 2020 |
4.5 stars. ( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
4 sur 4
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Cousins by chance, sisters by choice ... After her cat toy empire goes up in flames, Sophie Lane returns to Blackberry Island, determined to rebuild. Until small-town life reveals a big problem: she can't grow unless she learns to let go. If Sophie relaxes her grip even a little, she might lose everything. Or she might finally be free to reach for the happiness and love that have eluded her for so long. Kristine has become defined by her relationship to others. She's a wife, a mum. As much as she adores her husband and sons, she wants something for herself - a sweet little bakery just off the waterfront. She knew changing the rules wouldn't be easy, but she never imagined she might have to choose between her marriage and her dreams. Like the mainland on the horizon, Heather's goals seem beyond her grasp. Every time she manages to save for college, her mother has another crisis. Can she break free, or will she be trapped in this tiny life forever?

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Susan Mallery est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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