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Skin Walk (A Lacey Fitzpatrick and Sam Firecloud Mystery) (Volume 2)

par Melissa Bowersock

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Lacey and Sam are on the job again. The ex-cop and the Navajo medium have been called out to the Navajo reservation to investigate the suspicious death of Sam's cousin. What they uncover leads them into a realm of the supernatural beyond anything Lacey ever imagined; her years on the LAPD did nothing to prepare her for dealing with witches and shapeshifters. With clues few and far between, can they determine who the murderer is before they themselves become the target of deadly curses and feral shapeshifter beasts?… (plus d'informations)

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Book source ~ Kindle Unlimited

Lacey Fitzpatrick used to be a detective for the LAPD, but now she’s a private investigator. Sam Firecloud works construction, but he’s also a medium who works on the side to release ghosts from their Earthly prison. An unusual partnership formed at the end of book 1, slowly starts to gel as Sam and Lacey feel their way around each other (not that way, you pervs) and mesh how each likes to work to solve a case.

This particular case takes them to Sam’s family on the Navajo reservation. Sam’s cousin has died in what his grandfather believes is not a natural way. The clues are hard to come by, but they chip away at it until the culprit is revealed. Wow. I did not see that coming. Great story! ( )
  AVoraciousReader | May 14, 2020 |
Navajo, witches, murder-investigation, private-investigators, Arizona, cultural-exploration, family-dynamics, friendship *****

It's a big difference from ordinary ghosts in LA to the spirit problems of the Navajo, but that's where this partnership has to go to help Samuel's cousin find peace. Meeting Sam's grandfather was the best part, but most of the rest of the family were friendly if a bit overwhelming. So was the murder investigation. Accustomed to regular law and order, finding out that the murderer is a witch is a bit mind boggling, and seeing for herself some manifestations are absolutely terrifying. Excellent read and obviously well researched!
Laura Wilson is a very good narrator, but needs a better sound booth. ( )
  jetangen4571 | Aug 28, 2019 |
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Lacey and Sam are on the job again. The ex-cop and the Navajo medium have been called out to the Navajo reservation to investigate the suspicious death of Sam's cousin. What they uncover leads them into a realm of the supernatural beyond anything Lacey ever imagined; her years on the LAPD did nothing to prepare her for dealing with witches and shapeshifters. With clues few and far between, can they determine who the murderer is before they themselves become the target of deadly curses and feral shapeshifter beasts?

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Melissa Bowersock est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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