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The Gathering (Ivy Blackwood Chronicles, #1)

par L. A. Fiore

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Words like unnatural and impure started the whispers.From the very beginning, Ivy Blackwood was different. She was only a child when she was accused of setting the fire, one she passively watched engulf the small house she had called home. Her fingertips burned and her hair singed. Some who watched her crossed themselves, convinced she was soulless for she showed no emotion at all. Calm and dispassionate, even when the screaming started that quickly turned to bellows of agony before dying into nothing but the roaring of the fire.She was locked away where she couldn't bring harm to herself or others. To all involved, they had protected the world from a monster, but sometimes things are not what they seem.… (plus d'informations)

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So this Blew me away: it was so breathtaking and also so completely different to what I was originally expecting.

A really hard one to describe and categorise but I will most certainly try my very best.
So: When I started this I was a tad confused: there is almost a purposeful layer of mystique layered here to tantalise and obscure: serving to also bait that hook with such delicious allure.
But no matter my perplexity here there is no way on this planet I could have put this down as each baffling bone thrown only served to further titillate my senses.
Drawing me in and weaving such an intricate web of fascination.
It was almost like the story here was unfolding and revealing itself a morsel at a time and we were as much in a state of bewilderment as the colourful cast of otherworldly individuals were.
And what a line-up of diverse characters we had here: if you can think of it them: they were probably
included here.
Vampires, shapeshifters, witches, gods, demons, ghosts the list goes on: you would think it wouldn't actually work but it does.
This was urban fantasy at its finest and I was agog with such wonder the entire time.
Cleverly written from multiple viewpoints: all eventually converging at one point in time
Fast paced with something for everyone: this had action, mystery, horror, love and let's not forget the sex (had that too)
This really was a smorgasbord for every eventuality and appetite.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where the Ivy Blackwood Chronicles journey will take us next.
I for one will have a first-class ticket for that exciting trip.

The gathering itself then manages to wrap-up proceedings ever so nicely while still leaving some loose threads dangling for further progression.
I was left here with a profound sense of anticipation for this author's next instalment.
My first experience with this author but most definitely not my last.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of The Gathering (Ivy Blackwood Chronicles, #1)
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm ( )
  carpathian1974 | Nov 7, 2019 |

So this Blew me away: it was so breathtaking and also so completely different to what I was originally expecting.

A really hard one to describe and categorise but I will most certainly try my very best.
So: When I started this I was a tad confused: there is almost a purposeful layer of mystique layered here to tantalise and obscure: serving to also bait that hook with such delicious allure.
But no matter my perplexity here there is no way on this planet I could have put this down as each baffling bone thrown only served to further titillate my senses.
Drawing me in and weaving such an intricate web of fascination.
It was almost like the story here was unfolding and revealing itself a morsel at a time and we were as much in a state of bewilderment as the colourful cast of otherworldly individuals were.
And what a line-up of diverse characters we had here: if you can think of it them: they were probably
included here.
Vampires, shapeshifters, witches, gods, demons, ghosts the list goes on: you would think it wouldn't actually work but it does.
This was urban fantasy at its finest and I was agog with such wonder the entire time.
Cleverly written from multiple viewpoints: all eventually converging at one point in time
Fast paced with something for everyone: this had action, mystery, horror, love and let's not forget the sex (had that too)
This really was a smorgasbord for every eventuality and appetite.
I'm really looking forward to seeing where the Ivy Blackwood Chronicles journey will take us next.
I for one will have a first-class ticket for that exciting trip.

The gathering itself then manages to wrap-up proceedings ever so nicely while still leaving some loose threads dangling for further progression.
I was left here with a profound sense of anticipation for this author's next instalment.
My first experience with this author but most definitely not my last.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of The Gathering (Ivy Blackwood Chronicles, #1)
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm ( )
  carpathian1974 | Nov 7, 2019 |
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Words like unnatural and impure started the whispers.From the very beginning, Ivy Blackwood was different. She was only a child when she was accused of setting the fire, one she passively watched engulf the small house she had called home. Her fingertips burned and her hair singed. Some who watched her crossed themselves, convinced she was soulless for she showed no emotion at all. Calm and dispassionate, even when the screaming started that quickly turned to bellows of agony before dying into nothing but the roaring of the fire.She was locked away where she couldn't bring harm to herself or others. To all involved, they had protected the world from a monster, but sometimes things are not what they seem.

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