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Shelter from the Storm

par Patricia Davids

Séries: North Country Amish (2)

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1741,280,308 (4.75)3
An Amish marriage of convenience A new North Country Amish novel Secretly pregnant and unwed, Gemma Lapp has a difficult choice-face her Amish community or raise her baby alone. But when a storm strands Gemma in the wilderness with her former crush, Jesse Crump, she knows her secret won't be safe for long. Gemma can't imagine trusting a man again...until Jesse proposes a marriage of convenience. Could their arrangement lead to love?… (plus d'informations)

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I enjoyed this different Amish read, it was not what I usually find in reading about Plain folks, but from beginning to end the author kept my attention, and kept me guessing.
First, we have danger from a blizzard and cold, I could just see the sled used in the rescue. Then we have the, tongue in cheek, delicious survival food, but such ingenuity, I never would have thought!
We get to see forgiveness, and acceptance, along with some solutions, but the story doesn’t stop there, and we get to meet Hope.
I enjoyed this book, and am looking forward to more from this author.

I received this book through Net Galley and the Publisher Harlequin, and was not required to give a positive review. ( )
  alekee | Sep 1, 2019 |
As usual, Patricia Davids hits the right notes with this new book. She happens to be an excellent author of Amish fiction/romance - she is 'teachy without being preachy'!

This was one of the most unusual stories I've read in the Amish genre but not untypical -a couple thrown into a dangerous situation that pushes them into the correct direction. A marriage that may or may not be of convenience, that naturally turns into something more. A life or death situation.

All of these above buttons are pushed with this novel, and I really ended up at the edge of my seat in parts. Yes, there are one or two inconsistencies-but this is an ARC and I m hoping that these will be changed upon publication.

*ARC supplied by the publisher. ( )
  Cats57 | Aug 15, 2019 |
Good combination of a second chance romance with an enemies-to-lovers story. Gemma and Jesse have an awkward history. Eighteen months earlier Gemma had made a pest of herself, flirting with Jesse and following him everywhere. Envious of her married friends, she chose Jesse as the most likely candidate for her husband. Jesse wasn't interested. Eight years older than Gemma, with a difficult past, Jesse saw her as spoiled. When Gemma took the untraditional route of suggesting marriage to him, Jesse's response wasn't kind, and Gemma retaliated with harsh words of her own. She then left for Florida, looking for something different than her life in Maine. Now Gemma has returned to Maine with her tail between her legs. The man she thought she loved deserted her when he found out she was pregnant. She heads for home, hoping for understanding and acceptance from her parents, but fearing the worst.

I liked both Jesse and Gemma. Jesse hasn't had an easy life and has a chip on his shoulder because of it. Son of a single mother and a big man, he was bullied through most of his childhood. He tends to be something of a recluse, doesn't talk much, and is insecure about his intelligence. Jesse is also a good man with a kind heart. When he encounters Gemma, stranded and broke, he gets her a motel room and offers her a ride home. He hasn't forgotten the things she said, but he has other things on his mind - namely an auction for some land he wants. Gemma is a changed woman. The spoiled girl who left for Florida has been replaced by one who has learned some hard lessons. Jesse's help makes her remember how horrible she was to him and adds to the stress she feels. Her mind is consumed by thoughts of the future and decisions she has to make.

The trip home doesn't go as expected. A blizzard and a wrecked truck strand them in an isolated area as their driver goes for help. Things are awkward at first as the mistakes of the past come between them. I liked that Gemma made the first overtures by apologizing, though Jesse was a little slow to believe. As the danger of their situation increased, I loved how Jesse stayed cool and calm, eventually taking action to keep them safe. I liked how the forced togetherness gave them the opportunity to clear the air and begin to really get to know each other. I loved how Jesse appreciated Gemma's outspokenness and she his somewhat dry sense of humor. Their teasing was fun to see, especially the parts about tree bark and cattails. Rescue, when it came, brought surprise revelations and changes.

I ached for Gemma and her fears for her future. Her arrival home was painful as she confessed what had happened. Reactions were mixed and left her wondering about the right thing to do. Jesse had decisions to make, as well. He was surprised by his continuing concern for Gemma and confused about what to do. He surprised me with his reaction to her father's offer, and then his offer to Gemma. Both of them struggled with their feelings and their reluctance to tell the other about them. A medical emergency forced them each to face those feelings. Jesse melted my heart with his actions and his overwhelming feelings of love and protectiveness. Gemma's strength and determination were fantastic. I loved seeing how Hope brought them together and ached at how their insecurities preyed on their fears. It took the advice from good friends to help them past those final obstacles. I loved Jesse's big moment at the end. I would have liked an epilogue, but hopefully, they will make appearances in later books. ( )
  scoutmomskf | Aug 13, 2019 |
“Shelter from the Storm” presents a deviation from the usual Amish fiction novels I have read. The author makes a difference by presenting a moral dilemma that I have not found in other Amish fiction.

The main character, Gemma, returns home to her parents in Maine after a time in Florida on her own. However, Gemma brings with her a secret; she is expecting a baby and is unmarried.

The plot begins with a snowstorm, in which Gemma and her companion Jesse, a friend from her past, become stranded in an abandoned cabin. After they are rescued and return to the community, the action moves forward quickly. Gemma has to deal not only with her parents and their disappointment of her actions. She is also faced with the censure of the Amish community. Due to complications with her pregnancy, Gemma fears for the safety of her unborn baby. The plot and suspense build throughout these situations, drawing the reader into the story. I encountered many heart-stopping moments in this novel, and was near to tears often during the roller coaster ride of infant health issues and family fears.

I appreciated the author’s ability to portray sensitive topics in a realistic way. The details about caring for a premature infant were described in a straightforward manner. This novel shows that all people make bad decisions, no one is perfect. People from all segments of society have problems to deal with. Sometimes, only faith will carry one through the difficulties of life. I highly recommend this novel to any reader who enjoys Amish fiction. ( )
  LadyoftheLodge | Jul 3, 2019 |
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An Amish marriage of convenience A new North Country Amish novel Secretly pregnant and unwed, Gemma Lapp has a difficult choice-face her Amish community or raise her baby alone. But when a storm strands Gemma in the wilderness with her former crush, Jesse Crump, she knows her secret won't be safe for long. Gemma can't imagine trusting a man again...until Jesse proposes a marriage of convenience. Could their arrangement lead to love?

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