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Making All Things New and Other Classics

par Henri Nouwen

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'If you are willing to live a life of prayer and practise the disciplines of solitude and community, a new hunger will make itself known. This new hunger is the first sign of God's presence.' Henri Nouwen is much loved for his profound but simple insight on Christian spirituality. Making All Things New and Other Classics contains four of his short books focusing on different aspects of the Christian life. lives are over-full and over-burdened, yet who yearn to experience more of God's presence. Intimacy answers pastoral questions with an underlying theme of intimacy in relation to God and other people. A Letter of Consolation explores very personally the subject of bereavement in the form of a letter by Henri Nouwen to his father following his mother's death. In The Living Reminder he looks at the seamless connection between spirituality and ministry. overflow from his gentle observations and wise insight.… (plus d'informations)

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Henri Nouwen is always challengingly inspiration, and this collection is no exception. This is, in fact, a collection of four small books - and I found the first and the last 'Making All Things New' and 'The Living Reminder' especially meaningful. 'Making All Things New' explores the spiritual life in a very helpfuls way looking at things like worry, boredom and busy-ness. 'The Living Reminder' looks at the minister's task in terms of healing, sustaining and guiding.
  urcinc | Sep 16, 2009 |
Comparative Religion; Mythology (No Longer Used) > Other Religions > Religion
  FHQuakers | Feb 12, 2018 |
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'If you are willing to live a life of prayer and practise the disciplines of solitude and community, a new hunger will make itself known. This new hunger is the first sign of God's presence.' Henri Nouwen is much loved for his profound but simple insight on Christian spirituality. Making All Things New and Other Classics contains four of his short books focusing on different aspects of the Christian life. lives are over-full and over-burdened, yet who yearn to experience more of God's presence. Intimacy answers pastoral questions with an underlying theme of intimacy in relation to God and other people. A Letter of Consolation explores very personally the subject of bereavement in the form of a letter by Henri Nouwen to his father following his mother's death. In The Living Reminder he looks at the seamless connection between spirituality and ministry. overflow from his gentle observations and wise insight.

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