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Control Freak

par Brianna Hale

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Total control. I need it in every aspect of my life. Some would say that makes me an asshole. A freak. But as long as everything's exactly how I want it, I'm completely flexible. I'm kidding.Okay, I'm not kidding.Lacey needs someone in her life who's bigger and scarier than her demons, and she wants that man to be me. Her boss. The Viking in a suit.I hope she understands what she's getting into. This daddy isn't going to pat her on the head and tell her she's a good girl for nothing. Especially not when she's spinning out of control.… (plus d'informations)

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Rating: ★★☆☆☆ (2/5 Stars)
Title: Control Freak
Author(s): Brianna Hale
Stian Blomqvist: Blonde, Blue Eyed
Lacey Petrou:
Setting: London, England
Tag(s): Romance, Contemporary
Content Rating: R
POV: Alternates between Heroine/Hero
Smexy Level: Hot
Favorite Quote(s): N/A
Overall Opinion:
Short, simple and cringe-worthy. That pretty sums up this entire erotica read and needless to say there isn't much to brag about. The characters and storyline were eh. The only good thing about this read is how I was able to get it done within ½ hour before dropping it like it's hot.
( )
  ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
I think that Brianna Hale has done a great job with this book. She's written a book that deals with a tough subject like mental illness and has handled it very carefully, thoughtfully, and respectfully.

She's written a pair of fantastic characters that are only enhanced by their interactions with each other. Stian might think that he's a bad guy, but or overly tough or something, but I think that he's really a good guy. He takes good care of Lacey and does what he can to help her and to not sabotage her in any way. I really like all the little things that he does for her, and how he lets her do the things that are best for her and just supports her.

I think that Lacey is really strong and a lot braver than she thinks she is. She falls down and picks herself up and keeps going. Falling down isn't weak, it's what you do after that is strong.

I think that she and Stian are just perfect for each other. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
In my many hours perusing Instagram I came across a post with this cover and a blurb and instantly I was intrigued. Okay, I lie, I was more than intrigued. It might as well have been a Siren calling me to my death. I was mesmerized. I needed to read it. I went on a mad search looking for it. My sleuthing skills paid off because I discovered it on Netgalley and requested an ARC. Something I rarely do, and not expecting a response back. Color me surprised that I was chosen to read this book. I still had no idea what to expect other than the blurb. I am glad for that because by going in blind and seeing the way that the author wrote this story allowed me to truly appreciate this story in a way with no preconceived notions.

The age gap "daddy" is not a sub-genre that I normally read. Yet, if they were all written as exceptionally well as this one I might change my mind. I liked that the author played on the notion of "control" in this story. This had a different connotation to the word depending on the character. It also has a duality in BDSM with the idea that even though the Dominant wields the power, it is, in fact, the Submissive that truly has the power. For both Stian and Lacey, they have their own idea of needing to control something> without giving away spoilers, I will just say that it was beautiful and painful to watch as both grappled with needing it and having it be allusive in so many ways. My heart hurt at times as I watched as the helplessness of something was just out of reach and how they both tried so hard to have the hope that it wouldn't be this way forever. The steamy times in this book were very well done and I could definitely see the correlation of how this might help someone like Lacey. Yet, it is important to note that it wasn't a way to "fix" but rather give structure.

This author put a lot of work into creating a backdrop of the story, complete with history and traditions in order to enhance the storyline and the characters. She also talked about something not often read about in romance and portrayed it with such care and kindness. I, as a reader, appreciated that because I am familiar with it, not personally but with a family member. Adding in the secondary characters was much needed and showed that this was not just a plot device to add drama to the story. It made me appreciate the story that much more and made it feel as if this was truly a real couple conquering an obstacle in their journey of life.

Normally, I question the insane amount of time that I spend on IG. However, since it gave me this stunning book to add to my insane amount of books that I have read in 2019, I will say that time was well spent. Kudos to the author. I am a huge fan.

( )
  MagicalRi | Dec 22, 2019 |
Stain runs a museum and is putting on a new exhibition and has so much work to do since he fired his assistant who just wasn’t working out. When an artist he knows says his daughter is looking for a job and organized his own exhibition he agrees to meet with her. Lacey is recovering from anorexia and is trying to get her life back and thinks this job will help. What follows is a beautiful love story that I am still thinking about days after finishing it.

This is my favorite romance I have read this year. Stian and Lacey are perfect for each other. Stian is one of my new favorite book boyfriends. He is stern but loving, caring, and protective of Lacey. He loves her for her. Lacey is a sweet strong heroine who had the misfortune to get anorexia. While I don’t have anorexia I do suffer from a mental illness and really connected with Lacey and her struggle to not let her anorexia voice(the part of her that was telling her she is worthless, not skinny enough, she needs to give up, etc) win. I am very picky about how mental illness is done in books and have to say this is one of the best I have read. The author was sensitive to the subject, didn’t just have it in there to add a little drama, and didn’t have the relationship fix her illness. Stian, on the other hand, supported her and helped her do whatever she needed with her illness if it was a place she needed to eat alone or just a kind word. I loved them together and all of there scenes together were so amazing. I loved the BDSM element to the story. Those scenes were so HOT and I loved how they fit into the story and weren’t forced either. Brianna Hale is an amazing writer and she has become a new favorite. I am planning to read all of her books. I do wish the book was a little longer because I love these two characters so much. The ending was perfection and made me cry happy tears.

Rating: 5 stars
*I got this book for an honest review from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.* ( )
  thereadingrebel | Oct 1, 2019 |
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Total control. I need it in every aspect of my life. Some would say that makes me an asshole. A freak. But as long as everything's exactly how I want it, I'm completely flexible. I'm kidding.Okay, I'm not kidding.Lacey needs someone in her life who's bigger and scarier than her demons, and she wants that man to be me. Her boss. The Viking in a suit.I hope she understands what she's getting into. This daddy isn't going to pat her on the head and tell her she's a good girl for nothing. Especially not when she's spinning out of control.

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