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Zac Power #1: Poison Island par H.I. Larry

Zac Power #1: Poison Island (édition 2008)

par H.I. Larry, Ash Oswald (Illustrateur)

Séries: Zac Power (book 1)

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2244124,935 (3.77)2
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Another thrilling Zac Power adventure! Zac Power is on a mission on one of the world's most dangerous islands, Poison Island. Zac must track down Dr Drastic, an enemy scientist. The jungle is full of deadly plants and animals that could be useful in Dr Drastic's evil experiments. Zac has 24 hours - and his family's life depends on him succeeding!

.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Zac Power #1: Poison Island
Auteurs:H.I. Larry
Autres auteurs:Ash Oswald (Illustrateur)
Info:Feiwel & Friends (2008), Edition: First Edition, Paperback, 96 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Poison Island par H. I. Larry


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

4 sur 4
Poison island might be the best book in the series!! ( )
  krbridger | Oct 18, 2013 |
a verry funny and suspenseful book with really cool gadgets making your mind reach to lengths that are beyond bizare ( )
  AndrewMatarau2012 | Aug 19, 2012 |
In Zac Power's latest adventure, he must save his nerdy brother, rescue a secret formula, escape from a volcano - and all in time to get home and walk the dog.

Starting with his jump out of an airplane in the first chapter, twelve-year-old Zac's adventures are pure action. The story reads like the script of a adventure/thriller movie - Zac is hardly still for a moment, dashing from adventure to adventure. One minute he's escaping through the jungle, the next he's swimming through a barracuda-infested pool. There's no time for character development, description, or even much plot development, but that's not the point of the story. It's all about action!

These won't appeal to kids who like realistic fiction or the more family and school oriented stories that are usual for beginning chapter books, but reluctant readers, especially those who like action-packed movies and cartoons, will really enjoy this series. I'm happy to discover another good series for reluctant readers.

Oh, I almost forgot the illustrations - they're all pretty small, mainly pictures of gadgets, or highlighted parts of the story - clocks, exclamations, etc. They give the story a nice spy feel.

Verdict: Light, but fun!

ISBN: 978-0312346591; Published October 2008 by Feiwel and Friends; Borrowed from the library
  JeanLittleLibrary | Dec 31, 2011 |
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Zac Power (book 1)
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

Another thrilling Zac Power adventure! Zac Power is on a mission on one of the world's most dangerous islands, Poison Island. Zac must track down Dr Drastic, an enemy scientist. The jungle is full of deadly plants and animals that could be useful in Dr Drastic's evil experiments. Zac has 24 hours - and his family's life depends on him succeeding!


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