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Shoot Like a Girl

par Kari Bovée

Séries: Annie Oakley Mysteries (Prequel Novella 0.5)

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Fictio Literatur Historical Fictio 1883 â?? Darke County, Ohio Shoot Like a Girl depicts the historically fictive tale of a young Annie Oakley's struggles before she becomes the most famous sharpshooting woman of all time. After the death of her father, Annie is sent to the Darke County poorhouse where she learns to cook, sew, and keep house for other families to help her mother make ends meet. Annie ends up at the McCrimmons, a couple whom she comes to refer to as "the wolves." Cruel and neglectful, the McCrimmons push Annie to the brink of despair. The only bright spot in her dreary existence is Buck, a beautiful buckskinned horse, and the two form a bond. Despite her resolve to help her family, Annie loses hope of ever seeing them again, as life at the McCrimmons' becomes more oppressive, and she is cut off from all outside communication. Physically and emotionally weak from illness, hunger, and abuse, Annie resigns herself to a life of servitude to the abusive couple. But, when Mr. McCrimmon's continued cruelty to Buck finally threatens the horse's life, Annie takes matters into her own hands and formulates a plan for es… (plus d'informations)

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Shoot Like a Girl is part of Kari Bovee’s series, An Annie Oakley Mystery series. I had the pleasure of previously reading the third installment, Folly at the Fair. I really liked that one and was excited to have the opportunity to read this one. I found it to be a fun and entertaining read. I loved how the author was able to use historical details and vividly bring Annie Oakley to life. I loved seeing how she envisioned Annie and how lived before she became a famous gun slinging sharpshooter celebrity. I felt like I was transported back in time and living within her circle. I enjoyed seeing her interaction and love for the horse Buck. I admired her bravery and courage despite the challenges she had to overcome. It was heart wrenching reading what she had to go through but inspiring to see that she refuses to give up and kept going. I thought it was great.

I am giving Shoot Like a Girl a very well deserved five plus stars. I am looking forward to reading more books from An Annie Oakley Mystery series in the near future. I thought this one was great. I highly recommend this to readers who enjoy a historical fiction based on true historical figures from American’s past of the nineteenth century.

I received a digital copy of Shoot Like a Girl from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion. ( )
  amybooksy | Jan 24, 2022 |
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Annie Oakley Mysteries (Prequel Novella 0.5)
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Fictio Literatur Historical Fictio 1883 â?? Darke County, Ohio Shoot Like a Girl depicts the historically fictive tale of a young Annie Oakley's struggles before she becomes the most famous sharpshooting woman of all time. After the death of her father, Annie is sent to the Darke County poorhouse where she learns to cook, sew, and keep house for other families to help her mother make ends meet. Annie ends up at the McCrimmons, a couple whom she comes to refer to as "the wolves." Cruel and neglectful, the McCrimmons push Annie to the brink of despair. The only bright spot in her dreary existence is Buck, a beautiful buckskinned horse, and the two form a bond. Despite her resolve to help her family, Annie loses hope of ever seeing them again, as life at the McCrimmons' becomes more oppressive, and she is cut off from all outside communication. Physically and emotionally weak from illness, hunger, and abuse, Annie resigns herself to a life of servitude to the abusive couple. But, when Mr. McCrimmon's continued cruelty to Buck finally threatens the horse's life, Annie takes matters into her own hands and formulates a plan for es

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