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That Second Chance

par Meghan Quinn

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Séries: Port Snow (1)

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897313,473 (3.67)1
USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn delivers a smart and cheeky romance about love's power to lift hearts . . . and curses. It was supposed to be an innocent night, celebrating my brother's birthday. Nothing was supposed to go wrong. We'd vowed to be on our best behavior after all . . . But it only took one rowdy night with my brothers to flip my world upside down. One unlucky encounter saddled us with a family curse and the promise of doomed relationships. I laughed it off immediately. "Yeah, right," I thought. "A love curse. Ha!" Boy, was I wrong. Word spreads quickly in a town like mine; rumors about that night soon made us the most eligible yet untouchable bachelors in Port Snow, Maine. As a subject of endless gossip and speculation, I could kiss my dating life goodbye. It would have stayed that way if Ren Winters, the new girl in town, hadn't crashed into my life. Brave, beautiful, and smart--her vivacious thirst for a fresh start has given me hope that maybe, just maybe, I can have one too. Everyone wishes for that second chance . . . but could this really be mine?… (plus d'informations)

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I really enjoyed this book I listened and read along via Kindle Unlimited I will continue with the series ( )
  LisaBergin | Apr 12, 2023 |
'That Second Chance' is my first Meghan Quinn book, but it won't last. The truth is that I got hooked up with the characters from the first page. The idea of a small coastal town, a big family, and the town's people gossip is a story that can't go bad.
I enjoyed all of the characters in this book. Ren and Griffin's story has a little bit of everything in it. There are some fun times, some sweet times, some sexy times, some heartbreaking times.
There’s a huge lesson in this story. Sometimes we blame ourselves for things that are out of our control. We shouldn’t, and Griffin has to figure his way out of that. So he can finally be happy, be at peace.
While I was excited for that ah-ha moment for Griffin in this book, it didn't leave me with what I had hoped for. It felt a bit cheesy, rushed, and forced. It was like, "oh, duh, why didn't I think of that," and everything was all of a sudden right with the world. I needed it to be a bit more of a complex discovery at that moment.
Looking forward to continuing with the series and fall in love with the love stories of the other cursed Knightly brothers. ( )
  AvigailRGRIL | May 1, 2021 |
Oh gosh, my heart ached as I read this book, feeling each painful, bittersweet moment that Griffin Knightly goes through. Tragedy follows this man like a shadow. But enter Ren Winters, who's been to hell and back and has become stronger for it, determined to love and live life to its fullest. She comes into his life like a whirlwind and shakes him to the core. Everything he's been avoiding for the past 2 years is not forcing him to acknowledge that there is more to love for than accepting that he's cursed.

Advance Review Copy provided by #NetGalley for voluntary review consideration. ( )
  AshPReads | Sep 27, 2019 |
Right from the start, I was hooked!

Okay, so there was the whole awkward trip to New Orleans for his brother's birthday, and the making enemies not friends with the palm reader, and picking up a BROKEN LOVE curse as a souvenir...but still, HOOKED! Seriously, the brothers have HEARTS OF GOLD, and the fact that they are easy on the eyes doesn't hurt either. They have their hands in all the town business and businesses, but in a good way...they actually want to help make it a better place, improve upon the wonderfulness that already exists, and make it a place that everyone wants to call home. Seeing how the series will deal with the Knightly clan, the introductions to everyone was necessary, and really there are worse things than a town full of kind hearts and good looking guys! *smirk* Moving on....

Honestly, I really loved the characters, through and through! Griff was such a good guy, and seeing him do everything and anything to stay busy was heartwarming and breaking all at the same time, but if he was gonna keep his heart/feelings completely on lockdown, I couldn't fathom the potential for a future with Ren in any fashion. Don't worry folks, lockdown is not indefinite, but it does take some time to wear down! Speaking of Ren, she wears here heart on her sleeve. She's strong, heck stronger than most think, but she wants to belong, to feel needed, to spread her proverbial wings and fly (chalk that up to a helicopter mom that means well) and unrequited love the levels of which she is experiencing (whether she'll readily admit it or not) are not exactly on this side of the welcoming committee. Good think she's not a quitter...good thing for BOTH of them...

Really and truly, I enjoyed this book from cover to cover. True, it had its steamy parts, and a bit of language scattered here and there (hence I'm saying ADULTS ONLY), but it was SO GOOD! I stand by my initial "claim" of Griffin for myself....boneheaded tendencies and all! Seriously the Knightly brothers are quite the package deal and despite Griff's "issues", he's still a great guy with a heart of gold, totally deserving of the fabulousness that is Ren! To summarize, I ♡ this book!

*eARC received for review; opinions are my own ( )
  GRgenius | Sep 15, 2019 |
That Second Chance by Meghan Quinn
Book #1: Getting Lucky Series
Source: Netgalley and Montlake Romance
Rating: 5/5 stars

Griffin never expected one night of stupid with his brothers to cause and endless supply of awful! In the blink of an eye, Griffin and his brothers went from hot, eligible men in a small town to hot, totally ineligible men in a small town thanks to a lot of alcohol and a curse!

A mother effing curse?? Are you kidding me??

As far as Griffin is concerned, and despite what everyone tells him, the curse is very much alive and kicking and has already wreaked havoc on his personal life. With nothing left to do but accept his fate, Griffin has resigned himself to a life alone with nothing but his family’s business and a lot of volunteer work to occupy his time.

Enter stage left, the suicidal moose . . . . .

Ren Winters quite literally comes screaming into Port Snow, Maine. Intent on starting a brand-new life in a brand-new town, Ren had no intention of wrecking her way into town and becoming the subject of local gossip. Would a week to get settled in have been too much to ask? Within hours of her arrival, Ren is, in fact, the subject of all local gossip and not just because of her spectacular entrance. What has the local busy bodies truly fired up is the interest Griffin seems to be showing to the new girl.

The whole town knows of Griffin’s tragic past and his alleged curse so showing interest in any woman is big deal! As the days go by, it seems Griffin and Ren are forever crossing paths or being thrown together due to circumstances beyond their control. Ren knows nothing of Griffin’s past, but she does know she likes him a lot and values his friendship. What she can’t wrap her head around are the crazy mixed signals. One minute Griffin is running extremely hot and the next he’s pulling away from Ren and their friendship. The only thing Ren knows for sure, she wants Griffin in her life and if that means only being friends then that’ll just have to (sadly) do.

Enter stage right, a bunch of weird and coincidental circumstances . . . .

Between the suicidal moose, an over-eager family (Griffin’s), a butt load of volunteer work/committees, and the universe’s sense of humor, Griffin and Ren have a truly terrible and often comedic time of forming any sort of relationship beyond friendship. While there are certainly things in their favor, there are also obstacles, insecurities, and a misguided belief in the supernatural. From start to finish, it is one issue after the next mixed with a ton of gossip, great food, some tremendously nosy brothers, and a little bit of love and understanding. It takes effort to get to an HEA and Griffin and Ren certainly pay their dues before all is said and done.

The Bottom Line: WOW!! Talk about knocking it out of the park on the first swing!! That Second Chance is absolutely everything I LOVE in books: a broad mix of wonderfully developed and likeable characters, excellent dialogue loaded with wit, humor, and sarcasm, a beautiful setting/location with excellent descriptions, and a plot that is both interesting and engaging. There is nothing about this book that in any way disappointed or let me down and that is what I have come to expect from Meghan Quinn. Her writing style, her sense of humor, her naughty bits, and particularly her characters and dialogue very much appeal to me. What most excited me about this book? Griffin has brothers so there are several more books to come in this awesome series!! ( )
  arthistorychick | Jun 8, 2019 |
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Meghan Quinnauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Covington, ReeseReaderauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
Leroy, WilliamReaderauteur principalquelques éditionsconfirmé
Audio, BrilliancePublisherauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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USA Today bestselling author Meghan Quinn delivers a smart and cheeky romance about love's power to lift hearts . . . and curses. It was supposed to be an innocent night, celebrating my brother's birthday. Nothing was supposed to go wrong. We'd vowed to be on our best behavior after all . . . But it only took one rowdy night with my brothers to flip my world upside down. One unlucky encounter saddled us with a family curse and the promise of doomed relationships. I laughed it off immediately. "Yeah, right," I thought. "A love curse. Ha!" Boy, was I wrong. Word spreads quickly in a town like mine; rumors about that night soon made us the most eligible yet untouchable bachelors in Port Snow, Maine. As a subject of endless gossip and speculation, I could kiss my dating life goodbye. It would have stayed that way if Ren Winters, the new girl in town, hadn't crashed into my life. Brave, beautiful, and smart--her vivacious thirst for a fresh start has given me hope that maybe, just maybe, I can have one too. Everyone wishes for that second chance . . . but could this really be mine?

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