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A Concise History of Modern India, 3rd…

A Concise History of Modern India, 3rd Edition (édition 2012)

par Barbara D. Metcalf (Auteur)

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2521110,585 (3.91)1
In a second edition of their successful Concise History of Modern India, Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf explore India's modern history afresh and update the events of the last decade. These include the takeover of Congress from the seemingly entrenched Hindu nationalist party in 2004, India's huge advances in technology and the country's new role as a major player in world affairs. From the days of the Mughals, through the British Empire, and into Independence, the country has been transformed by its institutional structures. It is these institutions which have helped bring about the social, cultural and economic changes that have taken place over the last half century and paved the way for the modern success story. Despite these advances, poverty, social inequality and religious division still fester. In response to these dilemmas, the book grapples with questions of caste and religious identity, and the nature of the Indian nation.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:A Concise History of Modern India, 3rd Edition
Auteurs:Barbara D. Metcalf (Auteur)
Info:Cambridge University Press (2012), Edition: 3rd, 362 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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A Concise History of Modern India (Cambridge Concise Histories) par Barbara D. Metcalf


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Barbara y Thomas Metcalf han escrito una historia de la India diferente, que no pretende ofrecer una imagen del país a partir de la óptica del imperialismo británico ni de la aparición de identidades nacionalistas. Esta historia pone en duda las ideas sobre una India inmutable y monolítica marcada por la tradición y las jerarquías religiosas. En vez de eso, muestra una sociedad compleja en continua transformación y que se reinventa a sí misma como consecuencia de sus cambios tecnológicos y sociopolíticos. Una lectura esencial para todos aquellos que quieran entender la India, su complejo pasado y sus perspectivas de futuro en un mundo globalizado. ( )
  BibliotecaUNED | Aug 10, 2010 |
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In a second edition of their successful Concise History of Modern India, Barbara Metcalf and Thomas Metcalf explore India's modern history afresh and update the events of the last decade. These include the takeover of Congress from the seemingly entrenched Hindu nationalist party in 2004, India's huge advances in technology and the country's new role as a major player in world affairs. From the days of the Mughals, through the British Empire, and into Independence, the country has been transformed by its institutional structures. It is these institutions which have helped bring about the social, cultural and economic changes that have taken place over the last half century and paved the way for the modern success story. Despite these advances, poverty, social inequality and religious division still fester. In response to these dilemmas, the book grapples with questions of caste and religious identity, and the nature of the Indian nation.

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954History and Geography Asia India and South Asia

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