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Led Zeppelin: The Definitive Biography (1976)

par Ritchie Yorke

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572470,655 (3.56)Aucun
Their music blazed a trail across the world but Led Zeppelin's media silence was as deafening as their live shows. Throughout their extraordinary career the band were untouchables, refusing interviews and treating press attention with disdain. Few journalists were allowed to enter the house of the holy, even when Led Zeplin ll knocked Abbey Road from number 1 and Stairway To Heaven became the most requested radio track of all time. Yet one writer did penetrate their inner sanctum. Ritchie Yorke has eaten, slept and breathed Led Zeppelin for the length of his distinguished career, touring with them and regularly granted an audience with the band. The result is Led Zeppelin - From the early days to Page and Plant. Originally published as The Led Zeppelin Biography in 1975, and frequently updated, it's a definitive rock work which is the most detailed study ever of a group who remained a closed book to every other writer. Over two decades and 50 million album sales since it first appeared, this famous account of Led Zeppelin's odyssey is updated to cover the death of infamous manager Peter Grant and the successful musical reunion of Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Led Zeppelin - From the early days to Page and Plant is the stuff of rock legend.… (plus d'informations)

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A gem — one of the best Led Zeppelin books out there. Published in 1976, it features first hand interviews with the band conducted by the author that provides an intimate view of the group, their music and career. Most later books, written after Zep broke up, focus on second hand rumors and myth to sell their manuscript, use dubious and peripheral people as sources, or shamelessly pull material from earlier books. Led Zeppelin The Biography is original, contemporary and entertaining. The reading experience was a bit like a long, long article in Circus or Hit Parader back in the day. I much prefer a book written in the group’s heyday over one written 20, 40 or 50 years later. ( )
1 voter Musher_P | Jul 10, 2023 |
I don't remember much about this book except the cover art. I'm sure I enjoyed it back in the day, but I can't give a proper review now. ( )
  herebedragons | Feb 10, 2007 |
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Their music blazed a trail across the world but Led Zeppelin's media silence was as deafening as their live shows. Throughout their extraordinary career the band were untouchables, refusing interviews and treating press attention with disdain. Few journalists were allowed to enter the house of the holy, even when Led Zeplin ll knocked Abbey Road from number 1 and Stairway To Heaven became the most requested radio track of all time. Yet one writer did penetrate their inner sanctum. Ritchie Yorke has eaten, slept and breathed Led Zeppelin for the length of his distinguished career, touring with them and regularly granted an audience with the band. The result is Led Zeppelin - From the early days to Page and Plant. Originally published as The Led Zeppelin Biography in 1975, and frequently updated, it's a definitive rock work which is the most detailed study ever of a group who remained a closed book to every other writer. Over two decades and 50 million album sales since it first appeared, this famous account of Led Zeppelin's odyssey is updated to cover the death of infamous manager Peter Grant and the successful musical reunion of Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Led Zeppelin - From the early days to Page and Plant is the stuff of rock legend.

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