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Aquaman Vol. 1: Unspoken Water

par Kelly Sue DeConnick

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"He's lost his memory. And his kingdom. Can Arthur Curry find the hero within in order to reclaim his throne? The tides turn for the Sea King as superstar scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (Teen Titans, Supergirl) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the wake of "Drowned Earth," an amnesiac Arthur washes ashore on a remote island and ends up being cared for by a young woman named Callie, who's just a little too curious for comfort. And as a lifetime of horror movies has taught us, there's something strange going on in this island village. Aquaman needs to come to his senses quickly...or he might wind up sleeping with the fishes instead of chatting with them."--… (plus d'informations)

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ARC provided by publisher via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

I'm not caught up with superheroes comics but when i saw this one about aquaman i was intrigued. The design and colors were really gorgeous but the actual content of the story was bland and lacking to me. ( )
  primordialnyx | Jun 24, 2020 |
I liked this, it was grand, but also personal and intimate. And that doesn't surprise me, since I rarely dislike Kelly Sue DeConnick serieses.

Arthur has no memory of who he is when he washes up on an island of a mishmash of people, saved by a woman named Callie. But, they take him in. She has a big story, and eventually she and Arthur go on an adventure. He to find out who he is, and she to find her mother.

It doesn't go exactly like that for either of them, but, they do find out things about themselves, as do the other inhabitants of the island.

It was a fun read and I'm actually sorta looking forward to seeing more in this series.

I received this book via Netgalley thanks to DC Entertainment. ( )
  DanieXJ | Aug 21, 2019 |
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"He's lost his memory. And his kingdom. Can Arthur Curry find the hero within in order to reclaim his throne? The tides turn for the Sea King as superstar scribe Kelly Sue DeConnick (Captain Marvel, Pretty Deadly) and red-hot artist Robson Rocha (Teen Titans, Supergirl) take the rudder to steer Aquaman into uncharted waters. In the wake of "Drowned Earth," an amnesiac Arthur washes ashore on a remote island and ends up being cared for by a young woman named Callie, who's just a little too curious for comfort. And as a lifetime of horror movies has taught us, there's something strange going on in this island village. Aquaman needs to come to his senses quickly...or he might wind up sleeping with the fishes instead of chatting with them."--

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