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A Hymn in the Silence

par Kelley York, Rowan Altwood (Auteur)

Séries: Dark is the Night (2)

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Since graduating from Whisperwood School for Boys, William has found a sense of normalcy in his life with James. He has a steady (albeit secret) relationship, a home, and a job-even if it doesn't pay the greatest. Never mind that he lacks James's reckless bravery when it comes to dealing with spirits; he does his best and it hasn't killed him thus far. When a new client calls on their expertise in solving a grisly multiple homicide, William resists. They're spirit hunters, not detectives. But the money is too much to pass up when they don't know when their next meal will be, and soon they're arriving at Evenbury Manor, nestled in a close-knit rural community, ready to investigate. They're in over their heads, but in very different ways than William could have anticipated. The hills are filled with creatures far more dangerous than any they've ever encountered, and their usual tactics aren't working. On top of his renewed struggles with his addiction, William is left to fend for himself against the dead to protect not only the community, but the person in the world that's most important to him.… (plus d'informations)

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This was a decent sequel but didn't grip me quite as much as the first book.

This plot sounded really similar, no doubt the authors took inspiration from The 1922 Gruber Family Murders, but seemed to get a bit grandiose especially when the next book in the series is from the POV of yet another different character in an entirely different country. I think the authors could have pared it down a bit or closed it out a little cleaner, unless we do see The Order again in a sequel.
As some other reviewers said, this book also feels a little flat being from the POV of William who is not as strong a character as James. It didn't feel like we learned much more about him or that he grew as a character, and the relationship between him and James felt a bit stagnant which is not what you want from your main pair in a romance novel. I actually wanted to see more from Victor and his budding relationship with Adelia, they seemed much more interesting if I'm honest.

The thing the authors do really well is create a really creepy atmosphere and write scenes that almost feel like a good paranormal horror movie. There were a few bits where I didn't want to read anymore in the dark before bed in case of nightmares. Really great descriptions of both the scene and the ghost... zombies? just like the first book made this a great read for the spooky season.

I'm hoping we get a bit more character development in the subsequent novellas but I am actually excited to read the third book, about Preston and Benjamin, James' school mates from the first book. ( )
  brittaniethekid | Jul 7, 2022 |
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York, KelleyAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Altwood, RowanAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Since graduating from Whisperwood School for Boys, William has found a sense of normalcy in his life with James. He has a steady (albeit secret) relationship, a home, and a job-even if it doesn't pay the greatest. Never mind that he lacks James's reckless bravery when it comes to dealing with spirits; he does his best and it hasn't killed him thus far. When a new client calls on their expertise in solving a grisly multiple homicide, William resists. They're spirit hunters, not detectives. But the money is too much to pass up when they don't know when their next meal will be, and soon they're arriving at Evenbury Manor, nestled in a close-knit rural community, ready to investigate. They're in over their heads, but in very different ways than William could have anticipated. The hills are filled with creatures far more dangerous than any they've ever encountered, and their usual tactics aren't working. On top of his renewed struggles with his addiction, William is left to fend for himself against the dead to protect not only the community, but the person in the world that's most important to him.

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