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Cupid's Match

par Lauren Palphreyman

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623436,521 (3.83)Aucun
He's mythologically hot, a little bit wicked, and almost 100% immortal. And he'll hit you right in the heart . . ."Miss Black, we have a big problem."Lila Black doesn't believe in matchmaking, let alone soul mates. So then why is she constantly being hassled by the Cupids Matchmaking Service? But this gilded, cherub-bedecked dating agency isn't exactly what it seems . . . and it's about to turn Lila's entire world upside down. It turns out that Cupids Matchmaking is the real deal. As in, it's run by actual cupids -- who don't look at all like they do in the paintings -- and they have a serious problem with Lila's "match." Because this guy shouldn't be in the system. He shouldn't have a match. And while he's irresistibly hot, he's also incredibly dangerous. Because Lila's true love match is Cupid. The original bad boy of love. And he wants her. Now Lila's once-normal teenaged world has exploded into a mythological nightmare overrun by crime-lord sirens, wrathful cupid hit men, magic arrows that cause no end of trouble, and a mischievous, not-so-angelic love god she can't seem to stop herself from falling for . . . Adored by 50 million readers on Wattpad, Lauren Palphreyman's smash-hit book is now in print for the first time.… (plus d'informations)

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I would literally die for Cal, if there was more of him I would probably give this five stars. Really cool that a wattpad story got published, the author did a great job! ( )
  Kat.Nova | Apr 27, 2020 |
I love this! I love a good YA romance and it seems like the Roman mythology and actual plot involved in this will keep it from crossing too far to being one of the terrible YA cliches (although it does hit plenty of cliches, so be warned). And it's going to be a TV series?! I have a thing about reading the book first, so of course I had to read it. While there isn't anything terribly unique here, it does what it has well. Modern mythology, forbidden love, slow romance. I do wish the main character had been a bit older than high school. College, maybe? It can get a little skeevy with what is presumably an adult Cupid, although everything stays cleanly in the YA genre. And the mythology gets twisted up a bit. But it's a good fun read to not think too hard about!
  maggiewurzer | Oct 16, 2019 |
This book grew out of the popularity of the author’s supernatural teen romance series on Wattpad, which is, as Wikipedia describes it, an Internet community for readers and writers to publish new user-generated stories in different genres.

The story of Cupid and his brother Cal entering high school is solidly in the young adult fiction tradition of angels and other paranormals in the form of [gorgeous] teenagers carrying out “missions” in high schools with one of them invariably falling in love - for the first time in centuries - maybe the first time ever - for a snarky high school girl.

Lila Black is a senior and involved in a comfortable relationship with James, a boy she has known since she was little. Lila is fine with a tepid romance - after her mother died of cancer, she gave up on love. But when she meets Cupid Bellator, whom she has been informed by the Cupids Matchmaking Service is her true match, she can’t deny the electricity. Cupid, however, is forbidden to be matched, so his brother Cal tries to keep them apart.

Pretty soon the whole cadre of cupids is after them to prevent the match, with arrows flying, other mythological figures getting into the action, and life-and-death challenges competing with homework for the attention of all concerned.

Evaluation: There is a lot of silliness in the plot, but there is sufficient humor to carry it off, and
the writing is reasonably well executed. Teens ought to find this book entertaining. ( )
  nbmars | Oct 16, 2019 |
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He's mythologically hot, a little bit wicked, and almost 100% immortal. And he'll hit you right in the heart . . ."Miss Black, we have a big problem."Lila Black doesn't believe in matchmaking, let alone soul mates. So then why is she constantly being hassled by the Cupids Matchmaking Service? But this gilded, cherub-bedecked dating agency isn't exactly what it seems . . . and it's about to turn Lila's entire world upside down. It turns out that Cupids Matchmaking is the real deal. As in, it's run by actual cupids -- who don't look at all like they do in the paintings -- and they have a serious problem with Lila's "match." Because this guy shouldn't be in the system. He shouldn't have a match. And while he's irresistibly hot, he's also incredibly dangerous. Because Lila's true love match is Cupid. The original bad boy of love. And he wants her. Now Lila's once-normal teenaged world has exploded into a mythological nightmare overrun by crime-lord sirens, wrathful cupid hit men, magic arrows that cause no end of trouble, and a mischievous, not-so-angelic love god she can't seem to stop herself from falling for . . . Adored by 50 million readers on Wattpad, Lauren Palphreyman's smash-hit book is now in print for the first time.

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