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Buzz Books 2019: Spring/Summer: Excerpts from next season's best new titles by Liv Constantine, Karl Marlantes, Moby, J. Ryan Stradal, Ocean Vuong and more

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Start off a new year of reading discoveries with substantial excerpts from 44 Buzz Books due to be published in the months ahead. Be among the first to get a taste of new fiction from bestselling authors including Cecelia Ahern, with a feminist story collection; Liv Constantine, the pen name of sisters Lynne Constantine and Valerie Constantine; Costa Award-winner Sadie Jones, who has written a psychological thriller; and J. Ryan Stradal's follow up to his popular Kitchens of the Great Midwest. Karl Marlantes, author of bestselling nonfiction is represented by a novel about the Vietnam War, while Sarah Blake, Lauren Denton, Tracey Garvis Graves, and Katherine Reay will make their fans happy with new titles. Literary buffs will be delighted to read new work by T.C. Boyle, Madeline ffitch, and Nell Zink. The new Buzz Books includes a record number of exciting debuts. Critically acclaimed poet Ocean Vuong's first novel bridges Vietnam and America. Melanie Golding's mystery, Little Darlings, already has been optioned for film, while Kira Jane Buxton's Hollow Kingdom, has been sold to AMC for its first animated TV series. Our always fascinating nonfiction section is memoir heavy this time around. Obama insider Valerie Jarrett shares her experience in the White House, while musician Moby has written a second autobiographical volume. For still more great previews, check out our separate Buzz Books 2019: Young Adult Spring/Summer. For complete download links, lists and more, visit… (plus d'informations)

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“Buzz Books 2019” includes excerpts from quite a few new books that are soon to be published or have recently been published. Although there is a large list at the beginning, the ones actually included in this book have been starred. Genres include fiction and nonfiction. I read some of them, and others I skimmed or skipped altogether. The excerpts are quite lengthy in most cases, and give the potential reader a good “taste” of what to expect in the full length book. I plan to read several of them in their entirety, based on these excerpts. I am particularly interested in "Glory Road" and "The Guest Book."

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own. ( )
  LadyoftheLodge | May 1, 2019 |
Many thanks to NetGalley and Publishers Lunch for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review. My opinions are 100% my own and independent of receiving an advanced copy

I’m not sure whether to kick myself because I was so lucky the day I decided to check out Buzz Books or really kick myself because the last thing I need is more books on my “To Read” shelf. This spring’s edition is no different. There are almost 50 upcoming books that are in this edition and they are spectacular. If you are not familiar with Buzz Books they review a selection of books that are going to be released for that season. They are from a variety of publishers and have a selection of different genres. Because the YA genre is so popular they have their own edition. For each book there is a description, information for the book like publishing date, price, etc. and an excerpt. These are not just a couple of wispy pages of a teaser of an excerpt. No, no, no. They include quite a substantial excerpt, enough that you can really get a feel for the text, the voice of the author and whether or not it is your type of book. The problem, if you are someone like me, I get so hooked I want to read the whole book right away!!!

They have sifted through the thousands of titles being published and select those that they think are noteworthy or remarkable in some way.The list is broken down into Fiction with subsections of The Notables, Highly Anticipated, Emerging Voices, Debut, and Commercial Fiction. The Nonfiction section include Politics and Current Events, Social Issues, Science and Technology, History and Crime, Essays and Criticism, and Biography and Memoir. Those they have provided an excerpt are marked with an asterisk. There are popular authors with highly anticipated releases like Cecelia Ahern, T.C. Boyle, Nell Zink and Liv Constantine to name just a few. You can discover new authors in the debut section. I was familiar with many of these releases like “Little Darlings” by Melanie Golding and “Naamah” by Sara Blake.

Of course the best is that at the end of each excerpt there is link to NetGalley where you can request an ARC of the book. Seriously, this doesn’t help me in my quest for trying to reduce the number of request I make, but I just can’t help it. I’m too excited about the prospect of reading that next great book. There are some really gems that are just waiting to be discovered. ( )
  PinkPurlandProse | Feb 4, 2019 |
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Start off a new year of reading discoveries with substantial excerpts from 44 Buzz Books due to be published in the months ahead. Be among the first to get a taste of new fiction from bestselling authors including Cecelia Ahern, with a feminist story collection; Liv Constantine, the pen name of sisters Lynne Constantine and Valerie Constantine; Costa Award-winner Sadie Jones, who has written a psychological thriller; and J. Ryan Stradal's follow up to his popular Kitchens of the Great Midwest. Karl Marlantes, author of bestselling nonfiction is represented by a novel about the Vietnam War, while Sarah Blake, Lauren Denton, Tracey Garvis Graves, and Katherine Reay will make their fans happy with new titles. Literary buffs will be delighted to read new work by T.C. Boyle, Madeline ffitch, and Nell Zink. The new Buzz Books includes a record number of exciting debuts. Critically acclaimed poet Ocean Vuong's first novel bridges Vietnam and America. Melanie Golding's mystery, Little Darlings, already has been optioned for film, while Kira Jane Buxton's Hollow Kingdom, has been sold to AMC for its first animated TV series. Our always fascinating nonfiction section is memoir heavy this time around. Obama insider Valerie Jarrett shares her experience in the White House, while musician Moby has written a second autobiographical volume. For still more great previews, check out our separate Buzz Books 2019: Young Adult Spring/Summer. For complete download links, lists and more, visit

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