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Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Guide: Exploring Designs, Operations, Regulations, and Economics

par Brent Terwilliger

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413,516,283 (2.5)Aucun
The utility and benefits of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are emerging and being recognized across the aviation industry. While this technology is not new, the ability to support domestic public and private operators is becoming better understood and opening up new uses to government organizations and commercial enterprise. Analysis of the unmanned aviation market indicates that small UAS (sUAS) will become the most prevalent and affordable form of unmanned aircraft available, featuring technology developed by contributors ranging from DIY and hobby model aircraft communities to defense contracting. This book will help readers understand what a drone or UAS is, what forms are available (including multirotor, fixed-wing, and hybrid types), to make well-informed decisions regarding purchase and use. Readers will learn how sUAS and their various configuration options can be used to address or support evolving business needs. Ultimately, readers will have enough information to formulate a plan to acquire necessary certification approvals and operate sUAS in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. Beginning with the history of UAS and ending with how to prepare for the future of this fast-paced and innovative industry, this book contains descriptions of typical sUAS architecture, related technology, common uses, and suggested safety practices, while also providing a narrative to help you determine the most appropriate path forward through complex legal, business, operational, and support considerations. Understanding how these pieces fit together, from the technical and legal perspectives, will shape your own strategy for the safe, efficient, and effective use of this "(r)evolutionary" technology. The authors developed this book to share critical background, concepts, guidance, and lessons learned from their collective experience as researchers, operators, and academic instructors to dispel common myths and provide a starting point to explore how sUAS can be applied to solve challenges and support economic pursuits. Written for experienced aviators, as well as those new to aviation and operating in the National Airspace System (NAS). Illustrated extensively throughout, each chapter concludes with review questions for classroom and self-study use; glossary and index included. This book provides a solid foundation for keeping up with this fast moving and exciting aviation field.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parAshleyHanson, KurekD, brs, lemontwist

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I'm going to be teaching a ground school in a few months for students interested in getting part 107 certified. I'm reading up on the topic to build on my current knowledge (pretty much parts 61/91) to be able to teach specifically to part 107.

I understand that the regulations in this area are pretty new, and are also mostly reactive in nature (the technology of sUAS will probably be beating the regulations to the punch for a while). However, this book does not do the greatest job making those regulations understandable. In fact, I could have just read my FAR/AIM for all the good this book did actually explaining the regs and when/if they're applicable.

More useful were the other sections of this book: the history of UAS, applications of UAS, etc. I just wouldn't recommend it to get a handle on the regulatory side of the picture. ( )
  lemontwist | Feb 5, 2019 |
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The utility and benefits of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) are emerging and being recognized across the aviation industry. While this technology is not new, the ability to support domestic public and private operators is becoming better understood and opening up new uses to government organizations and commercial enterprise. Analysis of the unmanned aviation market indicates that small UAS (sUAS) will become the most prevalent and affordable form of unmanned aircraft available, featuring technology developed by contributors ranging from DIY and hobby model aircraft communities to defense contracting. This book will help readers understand what a drone or UAS is, what forms are available (including multirotor, fixed-wing, and hybrid types), to make well-informed decisions regarding purchase and use. Readers will learn how sUAS and their various configuration options can be used to address or support evolving business needs. Ultimately, readers will have enough information to formulate a plan to acquire necessary certification approvals and operate sUAS in a safe, efficient, and effective manner. Beginning with the history of UAS and ending with how to prepare for the future of this fast-paced and innovative industry, this book contains descriptions of typical sUAS architecture, related technology, common uses, and suggested safety practices, while also providing a narrative to help you determine the most appropriate path forward through complex legal, business, operational, and support considerations. Understanding how these pieces fit together, from the technical and legal perspectives, will shape your own strategy for the safe, efficient, and effective use of this "(r)evolutionary" technology. The authors developed this book to share critical background, concepts, guidance, and lessons learned from their collective experience as researchers, operators, and academic instructors to dispel common myths and provide a starting point to explore how sUAS can be applied to solve challenges and support economic pursuits. Written for experienced aviators, as well as those new to aviation and operating in the National Airspace System (NAS). Illustrated extensively throughout, each chapter concludes with review questions for classroom and self-study use; glossary and index included. This book provides a solid foundation for keeping up with this fast moving and exciting aviation field.

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