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I'll Love You Till the Cows Come Home

par Kathryn Cristaldi

Autres auteurs: Kristyna Litten (Illustrateur)

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A humorous rhymed text with pictures repeating "I'll love you till . . ." with various endings.

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5 sur 5
My husband and I had our almost 3 year old granddaughter for two weeks! She lives far away, and our interactions with her are limited to brief visits and FaceTime (thankful for that technology). So to have her stay with us was a huge treat, and a great way for us to cement our bond. We tried to recreate her regular nighttime routine which includes books — LOTS of books! LOL!. I found I’ll Love You Till The Cows Come Home by Kathryn Cristaldi at a local independent bookstore and immediately knew she would love it. It’s whimsical illustrations and fun rhyming narrative were perfect for the time just before bed. We both loved every bit of it, but I especially loved the ants with their little ant grins and crumbs on their little ant chins. 😉 We read it every night she stayed with us. She took it home with her — excited to share it with mommy and daddy. This book makes a wonderful addition to your home library.

Highly Recommended.

Audience: toddlers and preschoolers.

(I purchased this book from a local bookseller. All opinions expressed are mine alone.) ( )
  vintagebeckie | Dec 12, 2022 |
The narrator talks about how much love they have for the reader and uses funny pharses to get the point across. The pharses are all different and about different animals. The author uses a lot of rhymes and repetition in this story. I think this would be a good book to read with family like a parent reading to their child. If I were to read this to kids I think I would get them to write their own version of this story because it would give kids a chance to really use their imagination to come up with the silly pharses. ( )
  KPyfromDay | Sep 29, 2019 |
An unnamed narrator talks about the love he/she has for the reader, using silly phrases like "I will love you till the deer dance by from a tap contest under the blue sky, with a prize of clover and twig potpie. I will love you till the deer dance by." The repetition and the rhyming make for a nice readaloud, although this book seems most appropriate for a close family member with a child (rather than a casual babysitter, a teacher, or a librarian reading to a group). Oddly enough, I felt like the repetition of the phrase of "I will love you till" made it seem like the love expressed was finite, even though the absurd situations were trying to convey that it was not. The illustrations are fun and fit the text well. ( )
  sweetiegherkin | Aug 26, 2019 |
Author Kathryn Cristaldi and illustrator Kristyna Litten pair up in this charming new reassurance tale, as the narrator assures the young reader/listener that they will "love you till the cows come home." Building on this idiomatic phrase, the narrator spins many fantastical examples of how long their love will last, relating in rhyming text the essential idea that it will be a long time...

I found I'll Love You Till the Cows Come Home an absolute delight! The rhyming text, with its creative scenarios - "I will love you till the yaks come back / from a jaunt downtown for a grassy snack / in a fire truck... / or a Cadillac. / I will love you till the yaks come back" - makes for an entertaining read-aloud, while the mixed media artwork captures the humor of the frenetic hijinks being described. Recommended to anyone in the market for new reassurance tales for the picture-book set. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | Feb 14, 2019 |
Fun rhyming book that will give children and opportunity to use their imaginations. Using different animals doing exciting and wonderful things the author will get your creative juices flowing to continue the story with your other animals and exciting things. So many fun ways to let your child know how much you love them. The illustrations are a delight! ( )
  SWONclear | Feb 12, 2019 |
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Kathryn Cristaldiauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Litten, KristynaIllustrateurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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A humorous rhymed text with pictures repeating "I'll love you till . . ." with various endings.

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