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The Keeper

par T.F Allen

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When a famous artist is kidnapped, the only one who can save him has a body no one can see, and a voice few can hear.Angel, spirit, or ghost-the Keeper doesn't know exactly what he is. But he knows he needs to protect Michael Delacroix, a famous artist who is kidnapped and locked in a windowless room deep beneath a Napa Valley vineyard.Desperate to save the only person who knows he exists, the Keeper uses his abilities to convince two strong-willed women to search for Michael: a reporter who thinks her visions are signs from the Universe, and a nun who swears she hears the voice of God.Together they close in on the kidnapper-a psychotic killer who also hears a voice inside his head, pushing him toward murder. But once the Keeper learns the tragic reason he feels so connected to Michael, is it too late to save him?Finalist for the Claymore AwardPraise for T. F. Allen"T. F. Allen's work blends the best of a thriller with supernatural elements that mime the work of Joe Hart."-Robert Dugoni - #1 Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon Best-selling Author"T. F. Allen offers an exceptional, unique, and wonderfully fresh voice to the thriller genre. From page one, I was hooked "-Heather Graham - New York Times and USA Today Best-selling Author"Fast paced action and energetic prose combine to make this debut a devour-in-one-sitting read fans of Marcus Sakey and Blake Crouch are sure to enjoy."-Karen Dionne - Best-selling Author of The Marsh King's Daughter… (plus d'informations)

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So there are plenty of wonderful things to say about this audiobook ranging from the unique character POV to the wonderfully suspenseful plot and the in-depth characters.

The Keeper’s role in life, as far as he can tell, is to watch over a young up and coming artist named Michael. The Keeper doesn’t know what he really is, but for his entire existence, he has made sure that Michael is safe. When Michael is suddenly kidnapped and taken hostage by a jealous artist, The Keeper embarks on a mission to influence people to come to Michael’s rescue. It’s this move that leads him to the truth of who he really is.

As I noted, I adored this audiobook. For some reason, the Keeper reminded me of Castiel from Supernatural and from there I was hooked. This book has all the wonderful things needed for a psychological thriller and even has an unlikely rescue duo of a Wiccan reporter and an elderly Nun.

This book will not disappoint.

This book was given to me for free at my request and I provided this voluntary review.
( )
  Kayla.Krantz | Feb 14, 2020 |
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When a famous artist is kidnapped, the only one who can save him has a body no one can see, and a voice few can hear.Angel, spirit, or ghost-the Keeper doesn't know exactly what he is. But he knows he needs to protect Michael Delacroix, a famous artist who is kidnapped and locked in a windowless room deep beneath a Napa Valley vineyard.Desperate to save the only person who knows he exists, the Keeper uses his abilities to convince two strong-willed women to search for Michael: a reporter who thinks her visions are signs from the Universe, and a nun who swears she hears the voice of God.Together they close in on the kidnapper-a psychotic killer who also hears a voice inside his head, pushing him toward murder. But once the Keeper learns the tragic reason he feels so connected to Michael, is it too late to save him?Finalist for the Claymore AwardPraise for T. F. Allen"T. F. Allen's work blends the best of a thriller with supernatural elements that mime the work of Joe Hart."-Robert Dugoni - #1 Wall Street Journal and #1 Amazon Best-selling Author"T. F. Allen offers an exceptional, unique, and wonderfully fresh voice to the thriller genre. From page one, I was hooked "-Heather Graham - New York Times and USA Today Best-selling Author"Fast paced action and energetic prose combine to make this debut a devour-in-one-sitting read fans of Marcus Sakey and Blake Crouch are sure to enjoy."-Karen Dionne - Best-selling Author of The Marsh King's Daughter

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