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Fire Engine Art of Ken Soderbeck

par Matthew Lee

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Récemment ajouté parAnthonyBuono

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Many of us know Matt Lee from his series of books A Pictorial History of the Fire Engine or his books about Seagrave fire apparatus or the Detroit Fire Department. Lee deviates from this familiar territory with his latest book, Fire Engine Art of Ken Soderbeck. Soderbeck operates Hand in Hand Restoration in Jackson, Michigan, and he and his work are very well-known among SPAAMFAA members.

Lee says in his introductory remarks that “This book will show you how a gifted artisan can add authenticity to an object that has deteriorated with age.” Lee describes Soderbeck as “one of the foremost artists of our time.” Both are gross understatements. Soderbeck is a genius, who, with thorough research, meticulous attention detail, breathtaking artistry and significant mechanical prowess, resurrects worn and tired pieces of history and turns them into historically accurate and breathtakingly beautiful examples of art.

The book is divided into six chapters. They are 1- Enjoying the Hobby, 2- Doing Research, 3- Study of Design, 4- Attention to Detail, which could be the subtitle of the book, 5- Upholstery and Trim, and 6- The Decorative Process. In each chapter, Lee explains Soderbeck’s work and illustrates it with great photos.

The photos in this book really are terrific. There are some black and white delivery photos and period photos, but the overwhelming majority are in color. There about 300 color photographs in all. These include photos taken by fellow SPAAMFAA members, Walt McCall, Wayne and Warren Lun and Andy Swift, who operates Fire Fly Restorations in Maine, the late Keith Franz and many others.

Soderbeck is equally adept in decorating hand-drawn, horse-drawn and motor fire apparatus and the book includes many examples of all of these types. Soderbeck’s work on steamers is particularly noteworthy and includes some of his most intricate and beautifully detailed work.

Fire Engine Art of Ken Soderbeck is a limited run of only 300 books. Copies are $75 plus $7 shipping and can be ordered directly from Matthew Lee, 11463 Morgan Street, Plymouth, Michigan 48170. With 192 pages, this hard cover book with a 40-minute DVD is well worth the price. It is sure to become a collector’s item. ( )
  AnthonyBuono | Nov 9, 2018 |
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