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The New Testament: A Translation for Latter-day Saints (2019)

par Thomas A. Wayment

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611442,963 (4.38)Aucun
"This new translation renders the New Testament text into modern English and is sensitive to LDS beliefs and practices. This translation is readable and accessible for a wider range of readers than the King James Version. The original structure of the New Testament is restored and highlights features such as quotations, hymns, and poetic passages. New and extensive notes provide alternate translations, commentary upon variant manuscript traditions, and historical insights. Where applicable, the Joseph Smith Translation has been included. The notes contain the most complete list of cross-references to New Testament passages in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants that have ever been assembled."--Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)

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My initial review of this book concentrated on the difficulty of navigating the Kindle edition. I’ve gotten comfortable with it. Now to review the content.

What makes this translation valuable is the explanatory notes at the beginning of each book of the Bible, and the notes that are interspersed throughout the chapters. The notes give useful insights including various translation possibilities and variations between extant manuscripts. In the printed edition, the notes are at the bottom of the page and thus easily found.

In the kindle edition there is a note number to click on, which navigates to the end of the Bible book and to that note. Clicking on the note number there navigates back.

The translation is eminently readable, making it a joy to read. ( )
  bread2u | Jul 1, 2020 |
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LCC canonique

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Wikipédia en anglais


"This new translation renders the New Testament text into modern English and is sensitive to LDS beliefs and practices. This translation is readable and accessible for a wider range of readers than the King James Version. The original structure of the New Testament is restored and highlights features such as quotations, hymns, and poetic passages. New and extensive notes provide alternate translations, commentary upon variant manuscript traditions, and historical insights. Where applicable, the Joseph Smith Translation has been included. The notes contain the most complete list of cross-references to New Testament passages in the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants that have ever been assembled."--Provided by publisher.

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