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W. E. B. Du Bois's Data Portraits: Visualizing Black America

par The W.E.B. Du Bois Center at the University of Massachusetts, Whitney Battle-Baptiste (Directeur de publication), Britt Rusert (Directeur de publication)

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2115133,043 (4.7)2
"The colorful charts, graphs, and maps presented at the 1900 Paris Exposition by famed sociologist and black rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois offered a look behind the veil into the lives of black Americans to convey a literal and figurative representation of what Du Bois famously termed "the color line," and became the talk of the Expo. From advances in education to the lingering effects of slavery, these prophetic infographics--beautiful in design and powerful in content--make visible a wide spectrum of black experience. W.E.B. Du Bois's Data Portraits collects the complete set of graphs in full color for the first time, making their insights and innovations available to a contemporary imagination. These data portraits shaped how Du Bois thought about sociology, informing his ideas with which he set the world ablaze three years later with The Souls of Black Folk"--… (plus d'informations)

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Spring 2021 (March);

A random kindle sale, but picked up because the bingo board challenges keep me looking for a broad expanse of types of books, and it looked truly interesting on every level. I was really interested (and often horrified, with little spots of burgeoning hope) getting to see how these charts expanding things across different decades and in different places over time. ( )
  wanderlustlover | Dec 27, 2022 |
Fascinating stuff. I didn't know much about W.E.B. Du Bois beyond a vague idea of his work as a civil rights activist, so reading this and learning about his sociological work was fascinating. His data visualizations were surprisingly modern! I would love to read more about his work. ( )
  hatingongodot | May 3, 2020 |
Plate 31 is better done than many charts I see today. Plates 34-36 precede the Racial Dot Map by 115 years. And they were all made by hand with no budget, under a tight deadline. The three introductory essays give needed contextualization. ( )
  encephalical | Feb 15, 2020 |
The colorful charts, graphs, and maps presented at the 1900 Paris Exposition by famed sociologist and black rights activist W. E. B. Du Bois offered a view into the lives of black Americans, conveying a literal and figurative representation of "the color line." From advances in education to the lingering effects of slavery, these prophetic infographics—beautiful in design and powerful in content— make visible a wide spectrum of black experience. W. E. B. Du Bois's Data Portraits collects the complete set of graphics in full color for the first time, making their insights and innovations available to a contemporary imagination. As Maria Popova wrote, these data portraits shaped how "Du Bois himself thought about sociology, informing the ideas with which he set the world ablaze three years later in The Souls of Black Folk."
  petervanbeveren | Mar 31, 2019 |
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The W.E.B. Du Bois Center at the University of Massachusettsauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Battle-Baptiste, WhitneyDirecteur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Rusert, BrittDirecteur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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"The colorful charts, graphs, and maps presented at the 1900 Paris Exposition by famed sociologist and black rights activist W.E.B. Du Bois offered a look behind the veil into the lives of black Americans to convey a literal and figurative representation of what Du Bois famously termed "the color line," and became the talk of the Expo. From advances in education to the lingering effects of slavery, these prophetic infographics--beautiful in design and powerful in content--make visible a wide spectrum of black experience. W.E.B. Du Bois's Data Portraits collects the complete set of graphs in full color for the first time, making their insights and innovations available to a contemporary imagination. These data portraits shaped how Du Bois thought about sociology, informing his ideas with which he set the world ablaze three years later with The Souls of Black Folk"--

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