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Ladies of Intrigue: 3 Tales of 19th-Century Romance with a Dash of Mystery (2019)

par Michelle Griep

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5517485,957 (4.33)1
"The Gentleman Smuggler's Lady Cornish Coast, 1815 When a prim and proper governess returns to England from abroad, she expects to comfort her dying father--not fall in love with a smuggler. Will Helen Fletcher keep Isaac Seaton's unusual secret? The Doctor's Woman (A Carol Award Winner!) Dakota Territory, 1862 Emmy Nelson, daughter of a missionary doctor, and Dr. James Clark, city doctor aspiring to teach, find themselves working side by side at Fort Snelling during the Dakota Uprising. That is when the real clash of ideals begins. A House of Secrets St. Paul, Minnesota, 1890 Ladies Aide Chairman, Amanda Carston resolves to clean up St. Paul's ramshackle housing, starting with the worst of the worst: a "haunted" house that's secretly owned by her beau--a home that's his only means of helping brothel girls escape from the hands of the city's most infamous madam"--… (plus d'informations)

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  WBCLIB | Jun 6, 2023 |
The Gentleman’s Smugglers Lady kicked off this trio and I was smitten from the get-go. Helen is such a spitfire! I love her tenacity and fighting spirit, and paired with the charming Isaac made for sheer perfection. I admired how much depth of character and situation there was in such a short story! Michelle Griep is masterful when it comes to the pen, and her talents are shown in the best way in this novella.

The Doctor’s Woman was my least favorite story, but it still managed to pull me in, despite it not grabbing my attention immediately. There is a certain playfulness to this tale, despite the dark and dire situation the characters find themselves in. The good natures and positivity of both James and Emmy shine through the mire and was the aspect that I admired most about this story.

A House of Secrets is the gleaming finale that was another favorite of mine. I enjoyed the fact that the main couple were already together, so the focus was on their situation, and not on building a relationship. I loved the air of mystery and adored Amanda and Joseph and their giving spirit, as this story shows the glaring divide between the social classes.

I engrossed myself in this novel and have no regrets. Michelle Griep is one of my favorite authors, as she has such a way with pulling the reader into these worlds, creating such imagery with her incredible writing, and helping you escape like no other. Such a sweet and wonderful read!

*I have voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book which I received from the author/publisher through NetGalley. All views and opinions expressed are completely honest, and my own. ( )
  cflores0420 | Jul 5, 2022 |
The Ladies of Intrigue collection combines three of Michelle Griep’s historical novellas, and it is fun to read. Blending romance, mystery, and adventure, it is perfect for readers of historical fiction.

Each novella delves into a different time period and setting, but despite these differences, their stories read well side-by-side as they feature strong women and the pursuit of truth and sweet, sweet romance. They may be short, yet the way Griep writes each story proves captivating and enjoyable.

So, if you’re in need of a quick historical read, definitely check out Ladies of Intrigue.

Thanks to Celebrate Lit, I received a complimentary copy of Ladies of Intrigue and the opportunity to provide an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review, and all the opinions I have expressed are my own. ( )
  hes7 | Apr 24, 2019 |
Barbour Books through NetGalley allowed me to read and review this ebook, a compilation of the novellas. The opinions are my own and not required. The book is Ladies of Intrigue by Michelle Griep.
I do not give a synopsis of a book in my reviews, you can read that in a lot of other places. I do give my honest opinion. In my opinion, this is a 3-star book. the reasons are below.
The main reason I give only 3 stars is that the first novella was very disorienting. I felt like I was plopped into the middle of a book, that the beginning and ending were missing. There was no reason given why the heroine's father had moved to the location of the story. The ending wasn't done well either, it just stopped. The other two novellas were better in explaining things, the stories seemed more complete.
This is a Christian book and that was very well done. It is not pushy but does show how a Christian lives. The characters were well developed also for a novella. Other than the first story, the plot flowed well also. The editing was fairly well done as well. ( )
  grammy57 | Mar 18, 2019 |
“Ladies of Intrigue” features three different stories about courageous and competent women. These ladies range from a governess to a physician to a society gal, each with her own special qualities of spunkiness and a desire to get things done. The Christian message comes across in each lady’s desire to serve God, rather than being overt and preachy. The title might lead some readers to think these are mysteries. However, I would classify them as historical novelettes with adventure and romance. Readers who desire a series of quick reads will enjoy hearing more about the ladies and their adventures.

I received this book from NetGalley and the publisher, in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own. ( )
  LadyoftheLodge | Mar 7, 2019 |
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"The Gentleman Smuggler's Lady Cornish Coast, 1815 When a prim and proper governess returns to England from abroad, she expects to comfort her dying father--not fall in love with a smuggler. Will Helen Fletcher keep Isaac Seaton's unusual secret? The Doctor's Woman (A Carol Award Winner!) Dakota Territory, 1862 Emmy Nelson, daughter of a missionary doctor, and Dr. James Clark, city doctor aspiring to teach, find themselves working side by side at Fort Snelling during the Dakota Uprising. That is when the real clash of ideals begins. A House of Secrets St. Paul, Minnesota, 1890 Ladies Aide Chairman, Amanda Carston resolves to clean up St. Paul's ramshackle housing, starting with the worst of the worst: a "haunted" house that's secretly owned by her beau--a home that's his only means of helping brothel girls escape from the hands of the city's most infamous madam"--

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