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Family Tree Factbook: Key genealogy tips and stats for the busy researcher

par Diane Haddad

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482547,778 (4.33)2
The answers to all your genealogy questions in one place! This convenient, timesaving collection of genealogy hacks gathers the best resources, tips, lists, and need-to-know facts from the experts at Family Tree Magazine. Inside, you'll find fast facts about a variety of family history topics, such as important dates in US history, the different kinds of DNA tests, and how to use the best genealogy websites. Inside, you'll find: Key genealogy lists and statistics: common genealogy abbreviations and acronyms, a glossary of genetic genealogy terms, genealogy pitfalls to avoid, and more ; Strategies for tracking your ancestors in important documents (including census records, passenger lists, and military records) and performing important genealogical tasks (such as searching… (plus d'informations)

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* I was given a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

As a beginner to learning about genealogy and building family trees, I have to say this is an incredible resource. There is so much here! Lists, reliable websites, definitions, what abbreviations mean, hints and tips, pages for you to fill in with your own information. There was just...everything. I can't say enough good things about it. 5 out of 5 stars. ( )
  Beammey | Nov 2, 2020 |
Genealogy is one of the most popular hobbies in the U.S. Personally I have been looking into various branches of my family history for decades. This has caused me to amass a great deal of paperwork, charts and genealogy related source books. It’s always nice to look over a genealogy reference book and find new tips and resources.

The Family Tree Factbook is great resource book for the beginner with a wealth of information, web links, physical addresses, suggestions and keys to acronyms. This isn’t only a good reference for beginners as I saw some great links I will be checking out, not that I'm a professional by any means but I have been researching and collecting for over 30 years. This book it points you in the right direction. This is more for the United States researcher and not as much for those researching other countries.

What I would change about the publication: I would like to see a few photos or charts but that’s my personal preference. Also, in the Kindle version I received you can’t search the table of contents. The subjects are listed in the beginning of the book but there isn’t a corresponding page to search. As you go through the book I know you can bookmark specific pages of interest but a searchable table of contents would be helpful.

Overall I would recommend this book for someone deeply involved in family research. Publication date is set for October 18, 2018.

Much thanks to NetGalley for this advanced copy. Opinions are mine and I was not compensated for the review. ( )
  SquirrelHead | Sep 18, 2018 |
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The answers to all your genealogy questions in one place! This convenient, timesaving collection of genealogy hacks gathers the best resources, tips, lists, and need-to-know facts from the experts at Family Tree Magazine. Inside, you'll find fast facts about a variety of family history topics, such as important dates in US history, the different kinds of DNA tests, and how to use the best genealogy websites. Inside, you'll find: Key genealogy lists and statistics: common genealogy abbreviations and acronyms, a glossary of genetic genealogy terms, genealogy pitfalls to avoid, and more ; Strategies for tracking your ancestors in important documents (including census records, passenger lists, and military records) and performing important genealogical tasks (such as searching

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