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Sailor Moon Eternal Edition 4

par Naoko Takeuchi

Séries: Sailor Moon (4)

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1311213,391 (4)3
Comic and Graphic Books. Young Adult Fiction. Teenager Usagi is not the best athlete, she's never gotten good grades, and, well, she's a bit of a crybaby. But when she meets a talking cat, she begins a journey that will teach her she has a well of great strength just beneath the surface and the heart to inspire and stand up for her friends as Sailor Moon! Experience the Sailor Moon manga as never before in these extra-long editions (about 300 pages each).… (plus d'informations)

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Typical nutso plot, cheesy action and romance and characters I love. This is where chibi grows up for a bit and becomes sexy and evil and makes out with Mamo, who is her future dad, but he's not her dad yet, so maybe it's not supposed to be creepy? But it's fuckin creepy lol. And the bad guy is wise man, but nemesis, but death phantom, but actually a vengeful spirit controlling an entire planet? Who the hell knows. This manga is a soap opera on crack full of teen girls with legs for days. So much fun lol. Forever nostalgic. Glad we got more of my girl Pluto in this one too. Also there are 2 shorts at the end (previously part of 2 extra volumes that were dedicated to shorts) to break up the main plot. Can't wait for the next special edition! ( )
  MillieHennessy | May 31, 2019 |
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Comic and Graphic Books. Young Adult Fiction. Teenager Usagi is not the best athlete, she's never gotten good grades, and, well, she's a bit of a crybaby. But when she meets a talking cat, she begins a journey that will teach her she has a well of great strength just beneath the surface and the heart to inspire and stand up for her friends as Sailor Moon! Experience the Sailor Moon manga as never before in these extra-long editions (about 300 pages each).

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