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Dog Science Unleashed: Fun Activities to do with your Canine Companion

par Jodi Wheeler-Toppen

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Learn about science with the most faithful lab partner you'll ever have -- your dog! Discover how your canine companion thinks, moves, drinks, stays warm, gets clean, cools off, and more. Have fun with 22 safe and pup-friendly activities that let you work alongside your dog to discover what makes him tick. Learn to take your dog's pulse and find out how much blood is pumping through his body. Find out if your dog hears things you can't by making a dog whistle. What colors can your dog see? Is he color-blind? Each activity is paired with step-by-step instructions, clear and interesting scientific explanations, and cool photographs shot specifically for this book. Hands-on activities and fun information for budding scientists prompt further learning and offer a behind-the-scenes look at current canine research. When you are finished with the book you'll have a vet-worthy profile of the best canine companion on the planet--yours!… (plus d'informations)

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DOG SCIENCE UNLEASHED by Jodi Wheeler-Toppen contains engaging activities for dog owners.

Featuring 22 hands-on science activities, this colorfully illustrated informational activity book is designed for children with access to a canine companion. The introduction describes how to use the book including safety guidelines. Four chapters feature a series of activities ending with a professional lab project. The book concludes with a glossary, information, and an index.

Librarians will find this book to be popular with dog fans as well as those interested in careers associated with animals.

Published by National Geographic Kids on September 1, 2018. ARC courtesy of the publisher. ( )
  eduscapes | Jan 20, 2019 |
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Learn about science with the most faithful lab partner you'll ever have -- your dog! Discover how your canine companion thinks, moves, drinks, stays warm, gets clean, cools off, and more. Have fun with 22 safe and pup-friendly activities that let you work alongside your dog to discover what makes him tick. Learn to take your dog's pulse and find out how much blood is pumping through his body. Find out if your dog hears things you can't by making a dog whistle. What colors can your dog see? Is he color-blind? Each activity is paired with step-by-step instructions, clear and interesting scientific explanations, and cool photographs shot specifically for this book. Hands-on activities and fun information for budding scientists prompt further learning and offer a behind-the-scenes look at current canine research. When you are finished with the book you'll have a vet-worthy profile of the best canine companion on the planet--yours!

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