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Almost Home par Valerie Fraser Luesse

Almost Home (édition 2019)

par Valerie Fraser Luesse (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
8734320,124 (4.19)13
With America's entrance into the Second World War, the town of Blackberry Springs, Alabama, has exploded virtually overnight. Workers from all over are coming south for jobs in Uncle Sam's munitions plants--and they're bringing their pasts with them, right into Dolly Chandler's grand but fading family home turned boardinghouse. An estranged young couple from the Midwest, unemployed professors from Chicago, a widower from Mississippi, a shattered young veteran struggling to heal from the war--they're all hoping Dolly's house will help them find their way back to the lives they left behind. But the house has a past of its own. When tragedy strikes, Dolly's only hope will be the circle of friends under her roof and their ability to discover the truth about what happened to a young bride who lived there a century before. Award-winning and bestselling author Valerie Fraser Luesse breathes life into a cast of unforgettable characters in this complex and compassionate story of hurt and healing.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Almost Home
Auteurs:Valerie Fraser Luesse (Auteur)
Info:Revell (2019), 336 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Almost Home par Valerie Fraser Luesse


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» Voir aussi les 13 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 34 (suivant | tout afficher)
Genre: WWII, historical, Christian fiction.

My Rating: 4 stars.

My Recommendation: 16 up.

My Favorite Character/s: Each of the characters is one of a kind, and I love following each of their stories. I can't say I have a favorite though since each one made the other better. They were people bonded into a family by tragedy, friendship and an eternal Love.

My Thoughts: This story opened on an easy to follow and mesmerizing description of what life was like during WWII. I loved this story, it was so interesting and a new look at WWII for me. The whole book was so deep and the characters' struggles so real that the book just kept me swiping from one page to the next.

Warnings: There are suggestions of . . . not ghosts but I'm not sure really what to say what but like the house was "living". Which made me uncomfortable.

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for my honest review, and I am truly happy to provide it! ( )
  abigailkayharris | Jan 1, 2024 |
  WBCLIB | Jun 13, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
I had a hard time getting into this book - not sure if it was just wrong timing or what. But I plan on revisiting it as soon as I can!
  RaechelLenore | May 26, 2023 |
Cette critique a été écrite dans le cadre des Critiques en avant-première de LibraryThing.
Characters and story intertwine in this lovely novel set in the South during WWII. Told with a delicate touch, this story is one you will remember for some time. ( )
  GrrlLovesBooks | Sep 25, 2021 |
If you want a good cry, pick up this book!
Set in 1944 in Blackberry Springs, Alabama, this story is about how different people coped with the privations of war while here in the states. Filled with Southern Charm, it shows that struggles are universal, from veterans recovering from their war experiences to a young war widow, to a young married couple who had to leave their farm in order to save it. Diverse people find themselves at Dolly’s family home turned boardinghouse. Lasting friendships are forged and romance blossoms. Christian hospitality abounds and kindness and healing flourish. So many heartfelt moments and beautiful, descriptive language, but lots of light, funny, comforting scenes to encourage and entertain.
Favorite quotes:
*He had not list his faith, but he had lost the ability to cope with the powerful emotions it stirred.*
*What-ifs are big sticks with which we smite ourselves.*
*A cool, steady breeze was blowing, rustling the leaves overhead. They seemed to be whispering to each other, telling secrets from their undulating branches.*
*We see each other true, Anna. That’s what makes us sister-friends.*
This is the first book I have read by this author but will not be my last. I’ve found a new favorite.
*I borrowed this ebook from Prime Reading. All opinions are my own.* ( )
  paulashreckhise | Mar 4, 2021 |
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With America's entrance into the Second World War, the town of Blackberry Springs, Alabama, has exploded virtually overnight. Workers from all over are coming south for jobs in Uncle Sam's munitions plants--and they're bringing their pasts with them, right into Dolly Chandler's grand but fading family home turned boardinghouse. An estranged young couple from the Midwest, unemployed professors from Chicago, a widower from Mississippi, a shattered young veteran struggling to heal from the war--they're all hoping Dolly's house will help them find their way back to the lives they left behind. But the house has a past of its own. When tragedy strikes, Dolly's only hope will be the circle of friends under her roof and their ability to discover the truth about what happened to a young bride who lived there a century before. Award-winning and bestselling author Valerie Fraser Luesse breathes life into a cast of unforgettable characters in this complex and compassionate story of hurt and healing.

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Le livre Almost Home de Valerie Fraser Luesse était disponible sur LibraryThing Early Reviewers.

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