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The Saturday Night Ghost Club: A Novel par…

The Saturday Night Ghost Club: A Novel (original 2018; édition 2019)

par Craig Davidson (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
6583736,723 (3.82)43
Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:An irresistible and bittersweet coming-of-age story in the vein of Stranger Things and Stand by Me about a group of misfit kids who spend an unforgettable summer investigating local ghost stories and urban legends

"A celebration of the secret lives of children, both their wonders and their horrors . . . Immensely enjoyable, piercingly clever, and satisfyingly soulful." -Jason Heller, NPR
Growing up in 1980s Niagara Falls - a seedy but magical, slightly haunted place - Jake Baker spends most of his time with his uncle Calvin, a kind but eccentric enthusiast of occult artifacts and conspiracy theories. The summer Jake turns twelve, he befriends a pair of siblings new to town, and so Calvin decides to initiate them all into the "Saturday Night Ghost Club." But as the summer goes on, what begins as a seemingly light-hearted project may ultimately uncover more than any of its members had imagined. With the alternating warmth and sadness of the best coming-of-age stories, The Saturday Night Ghost Club is a note-perfect novel that poignantly examines the haunting mutability of memory and storytelling, as well as the experiences that form the people we become, and establishes Craig Davidson as a remarkable literary talent.
… (plus d'informations)
Titre:The Saturday Night Ghost Club: A Novel
Auteurs:Craig Davidson (Auteur)
Info:Knopf Canada (2019)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, En cours de lecture, Novels

Information sur l'oeuvre

The Saturday Night Ghost Club par Craig Davidson (2018)


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» Voir aussi les 43 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 37 (suivant | tout afficher)
Deeply emotional and warm coming of age 80s period piece. Bits of Boys’ Life and Hearts in Atlantis (King is namechecked in the acknowledgements).
Hit my feelings the right way. Perfect summer read. ( )
  Amateria66 | May 24, 2024 |
**2.5 Stars**

I think this in theory could be a really great book. I found myself struggling to connect with the main characters and the storyline the plot followed. The conclusion of the story did help me as a reader make more sense of story. That to me was the saving grace of the story. Everything had the starts of something I feel like I would really like, but I feel like I needed a bit more. In the grand scheme of things I didn’t feel connected. ( )
  clougreen | May 8, 2024 |
"I was scared- with that crystalline, childish fear of being caught and punished. That fear thrashed behind my rib cage like a bird in cupped hands, perhaps the last truly childlike instance of that emotion I'd ever feel." ( )
  bisexuality | Mar 3, 2024 |
audio fiction (5 hrs 40 min) - three misfit kids (two of them quite troubled) and an eccentric uncle (also troubled in his way) have a series of spooky encounters in 1980s Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada (nicknamed "Cataract City" in a previous book by same author). CW/TW: all kinds of trauma and unpleasantness, relayed through scary stories and traumatic incidents.

Fascinating storytelling (reminds me a bit of Chuck Palahniuk, though Davidson's narrator has a different sort of voice), alternating between the present (Jake's current brain surgery patients in Toronto that often develop unexpected characteristics) and the past (ghost hunting days as a 12-y.o. in 1980s Niagara Falls, including a relatively tame Halloween during the "after" SNGC period). A bit darker than I thought it would get (plenty of tragedy and grief) but fairly memorable and very unique. ( )
  reader1009 | Feb 21, 2024 |
I originally thought this was a horror book. How wrong I was! A lovely coming-of-age story in the 1980s. It made me nostalgic for my teenage years.
  bujeya | Jan 23, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 37 (suivant | tout afficher)
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The Brain--is wider than the Sky--
For--put them side by side--
The one the other will contain
With ease--and You beside

The Brain is deeper than the sea--
For--hold them--Blue to Blue--
The one the other will absorb
As Sponges--Buckets--do--

The Brain is just the weight of God--
For--Heft them--Pound for Pound--
And they will differ--if they do--
As Syllable from Sound--

--Emily Dickinson, 632
Memory is another word for story, and nothing is more unreliable.

--Ann-Marie MacDonald, Fall on Your Knees
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To Nicholas, With all the love in my body.
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Most people believe the human brain is solid.
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(Cliquez pour voir. Attention : peut vendre la mèche.)
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Fantasy. Fiction. Literature. HTML:An irresistible and bittersweet coming-of-age story in the vein of Stranger Things and Stand by Me about a group of misfit kids who spend an unforgettable summer investigating local ghost stories and urban legends

"A celebration of the secret lives of children, both their wonders and their horrors . . . Immensely enjoyable, piercingly clever, and satisfyingly soulful." -Jason Heller, NPR
Growing up in 1980s Niagara Falls - a seedy but magical, slightly haunted place - Jake Baker spends most of his time with his uncle Calvin, a kind but eccentric enthusiast of occult artifacts and conspiracy theories. The summer Jake turns twelve, he befriends a pair of siblings new to town, and so Calvin decides to initiate them all into the "Saturday Night Ghost Club." But as the summer goes on, what begins as a seemingly light-hearted project may ultimately uncover more than any of its members had imagined. With the alternating warmth and sadness of the best coming-of-age stories, The Saturday Night Ghost Club is a note-perfect novel that poignantly examines the haunting mutability of memory and storytelling, as well as the experiences that form the people we become, and establishes Craig Davidson as a remarkable literary talent.

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