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Winslow Homer and the Camera: Photography and the Art of Painting

par Frank H. Goodyear III, Bowdoin College Museum of Art, Dana E. Byrd, Winslow Homer

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A revelatory exploration of Winslow Homer's engagement with photography, shedding new light on his celebrated paintings and works on paper. One of the greatest American painters of the 19th century, Winslow Homer (1836-1910) also maintained a deep engagement with photography throughout his career. Focusing on the important, yet often-overlooked, role that photography played in Homer's art, this volume exposes Homer's own experiments with the camera (he first bought one in 1882). It also explores how the medium of photography and the larger visual economy influenced his work as a painter, watercolorist, and printmaker at a moment when new print technologies inundated the public with images. Frank Goodyear and Dana Byrd demonstrate that photography offered Homer new ways of seeing and representing the world, from his early commercial engravings sourced from contemporary photographs to the complex relationship between his late-career paintings of life in the Bahamas, Florida, and Cuba and the emergent trend of tourist photography. The authors argue that Homer's understanding of the camera's ability to create an image that is simultaneously accurate and capable of deception was vitally important to his artistic practice in all media. Richly illustrated and full of exciting new discoveries, Winslow Homer and the Camera is a long-overdue examination of the ways in which photography shaped the vision of one of America's most original painters.… (plus d'informations)

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Winslow Homer and the Camera offers wonderful insight into both Homer's work and the influence of photography on artists of the period.

While a familiarity with Homer's work would certainly have made the book even more interesting for me the discussions along with the accompanying pictures made everything quite understandable. Which is important since art and art history is not one of my strongest areas. So if you have an interest but don't have much in the way of credentials in this area this book will still be accessible and informative. I also think that for those well-versed in the topic the essays will speak to you even more since a certain foundation will allow you to grasp and make connections that likely elude me.

Overall I would recommend this to anyone with a casual interest in art through to an artist or art historian with a solid background. There is plenty to engage any reader along that spectrum.

Reviewed from a copy made available by the publisher via NetGalley. ( )
  pomo58 | Oct 16, 2018 |
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Nom de l'auteurRôleType d'auteurŒuvre ?Statut
Frank H. Goodyear IIIauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Bowdoin College Museum of Artauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Byrd, Dana E.auteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Homer, Winslowauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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A revelatory exploration of Winslow Homer's engagement with photography, shedding new light on his celebrated paintings and works on paper. One of the greatest American painters of the 19th century, Winslow Homer (1836-1910) also maintained a deep engagement with photography throughout his career. Focusing on the important, yet often-overlooked, role that photography played in Homer's art, this volume exposes Homer's own experiments with the camera (he first bought one in 1882). It also explores how the medium of photography and the larger visual economy influenced his work as a painter, watercolorist, and printmaker at a moment when new print technologies inundated the public with images. Frank Goodyear and Dana Byrd demonstrate that photography offered Homer new ways of seeing and representing the world, from his early commercial engravings sourced from contemporary photographs to the complex relationship between his late-career paintings of life in the Bahamas, Florida, and Cuba and the emergent trend of tourist photography. The authors argue that Homer's understanding of the camera's ability to create an image that is simultaneously accurate and capable of deception was vitally important to his artistic practice in all media. Richly illustrated and full of exciting new discoveries, Winslow Homer and the Camera is a long-overdue examination of the ways in which photography shaped the vision of one of America's most original painters.

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