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Scarlet Angel

par S. T. Abby

Séries: Mindf*ck (3)

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To kill a monster, you have to be twice as monstrous. To love a monster, you have to share your soul . . . Logan Bennett makes me want to have a future not tainted by the constant hunger for revenge. Doesn't mean I can stop. Doesn't mean I want to stop. It just means I want more . . . one day. But how do you make a good man love the monster inside you without stripping his soul away as well? He is all the best parts of me right now, resurrecting bits of my heart I forgot could even exist. He makes me feel something other than cold. He also thinks I'm weak and fragile. Something I laugh about to myself, while secretly soaking in all his protectiveness and concern. If anyone touches him, harms him, or even threatens him, then they should probably run. Because his girlfriend is a little bit crazy. They just don't know it yet. Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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Affichage de 1-5 de 11 (suivant | tout afficher)
This is the third of five books in a series about redemption, hope, love, chaos, and yes...serial killers.

Can Lana, our FMC, survive her secrets?

This book had our FMC face the actual Boogeyman at the beginning of the book, then gain a new confidant, from the most unlikely place. Then to get to the bottoms of the crimes, they thrust the investigation back to the exact place where it all began.

Can the MMC crack the silence of her nightmare? Can her newly found love survive the truth?

Another huge cliffhanger has me teetering just over the edge looking down into the abyss for the answers.

I am fully invested in the story and can’t wait to find out what happens next! ( )
  AngelaOMalley72 | Jul 31, 2024 |
Blurb from the back:

To kill a monster, you have to be twice as monstrous. To love a monster, you have to share your soul...

Logan Bennett makes me want to have a future not tainted by the constant hunger for revenge. Doesn't mean I can stop. Doesn't mean I want to stop. It just means I want day.

But how do you make a good man love the monster inside you without stripping his soul away as well? He is all the best parts of me right now, resurrecting bits of my heart I forgot could even exist.

He makes me feel something other than cold.

He also thinks I'm weak and fragile. Something I laugh about to myself, while secretly soaking in all his protectiveness and concern.

If anyone touches him, harms him, or even threatens him, then they should probably run. Because his girlfriend is a little bit crazy. They just don't know it yet.

My Review:

These two are crazy prepared and so smart! The combination of science and badassery is something to marvel at. I mean... the paint!!

I have to say, I love the addition of Hadley's point of view in this one. I didn't have a strong opinion of her one way or another until this book, and I must say, she has grown on me. I very much enjoy the back and forth between her and Lana, and the little subtle hints between them that we now get.

I can feel the momentum pick up in this book. We finally make it to Delany Grove, and we can feel the endgame coming. I just want to know what is going to happen!!! Dang this book for grabbing me so hard.

Sorry for the short review, but I need to get back to reading the next book! Happy reading! ( )
  kames04 | Feb 8, 2024 |
Way to kick the boogey mans butt! Man I really like this series.I have been doing these books as a buddy read with my girls and I think as a whole this is our favorite so far. Lana is getting closer and closer to her end goal and everything leading up to that has me chewing my nails with anticipation. I love Lana. Such a strong avenging angel. Jake and her really did think of everything.I have to say though I do wish we had more Jake moments. The friendship that has formed between her and Hadley is interesting but nice for both of them.I think they both need each other in some twisted way, Her relationship with Logan is getting more intense and I'm dreading what will happen if he ever finds out the truth about her. I can't wait to see how this story continues, the only downfall I have again is I wish they were longer. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
the first half was great but the second one was such a slug and i just skim read most of it. i hate Logans pov bc of how boring it is and the whole fbi investigation. they just repeat the same shit in every book. not a fan of this one and scared it will only get worse

Merged review:

the first half was great but the second one was such a slug and i just skim read most of it. i hate Logans pov bc of how boring it is and the whole fbi investigation. they just repeat the same shit in every book. not a fan of this one and scared it will only get worse ( )
  chardenlover | Jun 14, 2023 |
"To defeat a monster, you have to be twice as monstrous. To love a monster you have to share your soul."
"I'm the thing the monsters in the dark fear."

To kill a monster, you have to be twice as monstrous. To love a monster, you have to share your soul... Logan Bennett makes me want to have a future not tainted by the constant hunger for revenge. Doesn't mean I can stop. Doesn't mean I want to stop. It just means I want more... one day. But how do you make a good man love the monster inside you without stripping his soul away as well? He is all the best parts of me right now, resurrecting bits of my heart I forgot could even exist. He makes me feel something other than cold. He also thinks I'm weak and fragile. Something I laugh about to myself, while secretly soaking in all his protectiveness and concern. If anyone touches him, harms him, or even threatens him, then they should probably run. Because his girlfriend is a little bit crazy. They just don't know it yet.
This one picks up with The Boogeyman, one of the many serial killers that Logan is currently searching for, and one that has been taunting him for some time. And boy does it get tense and crazy for a minute! Lana's secret isn't as much a secret as she used to think. But can she trust that it will stay quiet? Can I just say the tension in this book once again does not disappoint. I have spent 3 books on the edge of my seat just waiting for Lana to get discovered before she can carry out her act of revenge.
This book gives us more background about the town Lana was from and some of the events that happened 10 years ago and how it's connected to Lana. We learn a little more about what happened to Lana that night and I have to say some of it can be triggering so be careful reading. Also it is emotionally devastating to read. I have to admit that I was left with a lot of questions about the kills, becuase Lana is definitely shifting tactics now that the FBI is getting closer and closer to the truth. And of course ... No answers! We get a new FBI agent introduced who has some secrets of his own. But most importantly in this one we start to learn a lot about the sheriff and the town Lana came from... and none of it is pretty. I cannot wait to see how this story unfolds. Oh and big shocker... Cliffhanger ending! ( )
  BookReviewsbyTaylor | Apr 13, 2023 |
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To kill a monster, you have to be twice as monstrous. To love a monster, you have to share your soul . . . Logan Bennett makes me want to have a future not tainted by the constant hunger for revenge. Doesn't mean I can stop. Doesn't mean I want to stop. It just means I want more . . . one day. But how do you make a good man love the monster inside you without stripping his soul away as well? He is all the best parts of me right now, resurrecting bits of my heart I forgot could even exist. He makes me feel something other than cold. He also thinks I'm weak and fragile. Something I laugh about to myself, while secretly soaking in all his protectiveness and concern. If anyone touches him, harms him, or even threatens him, then they should probably run. Because his girlfriend is a little bit crazy. They just don't know it yet. Contains mature themes.

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