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par S. T. Abby

Séries: Mindf*ck (2)

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They always want to break me, but I'm too strong now. Untouchable. Or at least I was . . . until her. LOGAN: I've had tunnel vision for one main goal for so long, that I forgot there was a whole other world just outside. Until Lana. She's everything I never expected, and I love the fact I can never guess her every move or reaction. It's part of the reason I keep falling. But I also know she shuts me out, hides things from me she feels she can't share. One day, I hope she trusts me enough to share. It isn't until my job puts her at risk that I realize just how fierce she is, but it doesn't stop me from doing all I can to protect her. I should walk away to protect her better, but I can't. Instead, I'm forced to find other ways to keep her safe. I just hope it's enough. Though she is fierce, she's still fragile . . . Right? Contains mature themes.… (plus d'informations)

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5/5 ⭐️ I am still really enjoying this series, it is starting to pull in the back story and history of why everything is happening now. I do feel like the author jumps ahead a little without explaining things and you have to kind of put pieces together, but I am still really liking the storyline. A lot of things that are happening are super far fetched , which is usually something I don’t like , however I know this is kind of a fantasy dark romance series so I expected it. Book two continues with the love story of Logan and Lana , falling more and more for each other , one not knowing the monster the other one believes to be.
30/50 for #2024readinggoal #s.tabby #mindfucseries #book2 bookstagram #booktok ( )
  angieangie12 | Sep 8, 2024 |
Another CLIFFHANGER!!! I just knew it! I was so nervous just waiting. I am so glad I have the next one because I am going directly to it after my reviews.

I love this series! It has all the feels, the rage, the love, the betrayals, the healing, the suspense, the shock, the multiple perspectives, the depth of side characters! It is thrilling and super good.

It feels like I fly right thru these books without even breathing at times, my eyes, speeding across the pages!

If you have been afraid to try this series, go for it. It’s so good 💕 ( )
  AngelaOMalley72 | Jul 30, 2024 |
Blurb from the cover:

They always want to break me, but I'm too strong now. Untouchable.
Or at least I was...until her.


I've had tunnel vision for one main goal for so long, that I forgot there was a whole other world just outside. Until Lana.

She's everything I never expected, and I love the fact I can never guess her every move or reaction. It's part of the reason I keep falling. But I also know she shuts me out, hides things from me she feels she can't share.

One day, I hope she trusts me enough to share.

It isn't until my job puts her at risk that I realize just how fierce she is, but it doesn't stop me from doing all I can to protect her. I should walk away to protect her better, but I can't. Instead, I'm forced to find other ways to keep her safe.

I just hope it's enough.

Though she is fierce, she's still fragile...


My review:

THESE CLIFFHANGERS!! How am I to write a review when all I want to do is pick the 3rd book up and see what is going to happen??? Needless to say, I really enjoyed the 2nd book in the series.

Sidetrack builds on the information that you learned in The Risk, giving the reader a little more of a glimpse into Lana's history. And just when you think you start to understand more, the author brings in a new character (Lindy) to give you even more questions.

With each passing day that Lana becomes more invested in Logan, the more risky she becomes in terms of getting caught. You see the hardened exterior begin to crumble, which opens her up to the possibility of getting caught.

This book also brings in a new serial killer that Logan is hunting, who adds a thrilling twist to the already thrilling story plot.

Would share more thoughts, but I am off to read the 3rd book now! Go pick this series up!!! ( )
  kames04 | Feb 6, 2024 |
I honestly don't know what to think. This book keeps surprising me and has me at the edge of my seat yet again. I never even realize I'm at the end of the book until the cliffhanger leaves me hanging with my mouth agape. In this book Lana is definitely sidetracked. From going after a kill not on the list, putting her list on hold, to getting sidelined at the end. Although Lana and Logan had a small falling out I'm glad they are still holding strong but I'm dreading the part where the other shoe finally drops for her, if you get what i mean. Fingers crossed. I read this as a buddy read I liked it but I didnt love it I wish they were a little longer. ( )
  b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
Best series to read if you are in a reading slump ( )
  bellac89 | Jul 29, 2023 |
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They always want to break me, but I'm too strong now. Untouchable. Or at least I was . . . until her. LOGAN: I've had tunnel vision for one main goal for so long, that I forgot there was a whole other world just outside. Until Lana. She's everything I never expected, and I love the fact I can never guess her every move or reaction. It's part of the reason I keep falling. But I also know she shuts me out, hides things from me she feels she can't share. One day, I hope she trusts me enough to share. It isn't until my job puts her at risk that I realize just how fierce she is, but it doesn't stop me from doing all I can to protect her. I should walk away to protect her better, but I can't. Instead, I'm forced to find other ways to keep her safe. I just hope it's enough. Though she is fierce, she's still fragile . . . Right? Contains mature themes.

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