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par Lauren Dane

Séries: Whiskey Sharp (3)

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Sometimes what you find isn't what you were searching for Beau Petty has been searching his whole life. Searching for a place that fills all the empty spaces in him. Searching for a way to tame the restlessness. Searching for answers to the secret he's never stopped trying to solve. What he wasn't searching for was a woman to claim all of him, but when Cora Silvera walks back into his life, he's ready to search out all the ways he can make her his. Cora has spent her life as the family nurturer, taking care of others. But now she's ready to pass that job on to someone else. It's time to make some changes and live for herself. It's in that moment that her former teenage crush reappears and the draw and the heat of their instant connection is like nothing either of them has experienced. He craves being around her. She accepts him, dark corners and all. Beau thinks Cora's had enough drama in her life. He wants to protect her from the secrets of his past, even if it means holding back the last pieces of himself. But Cora is no pushover and she means to claim all those pieces.… (plus d'informations)

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This book was beyond perfect! Don't believe me? Well, I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm about to share it with you, so sit back, relax, and...wait no, scratch that. Grab your WISH LIST and make room for this puppy (oh...PUPPY! Wait, focus...) because you're not gonna want to miss this!

Truth be told...I was constantly waiting on the other shoe to drop. Really, who's life could be THIS perfect? Yes, there were histories to deal with (some rather scarring too!), and parental units to battle, but honestly, Cora's life was like a fairy tale once Beau came into the picture, and wanna know something even better? Beau recognized that she had the same effect on his life...not something that happens in every story while still keeping the leads masculinity and hotness factor in tact, but boy does he check every box on the list! You know, the list...the one of all the things you'd LOVE in a match? Yeah, he's got it...and she's a catch and a half herself! Despite their perfection, both individually but even more so together, the story didn't seem contrived...though I would have liked to learn a bit more about his past and how it was tying into their present/future. Seemed like quite the story to be told there...

In the end, I ADORED EVERY MOMENT! It was ridiculously fun and sexy with a cast of characters you can't help but adore! From their happenstance reunion to their first kiss, the realigning of lives to the "new addition to the family", the gorgeous house to friends old and new, there is so much to celebrate here, I don't truly know where to start...except to recommend adult Contemporary Romance fans (definitely some sexy times!) to grab a copy next week (release day...woot woot!) and see for yourself! Though it was my first experience with this author's writing, I guarantee it won't be my last.

**ecopy received for review ( )
  GRgenius | Sep 15, 2019 |
Torn intrigued me right away because it was a little like a second chance in that the characters knew each other before, but not totally a second chance since they weren't dating before. Its a low angst story which I adore; however, I think it was a little slow because not much happens. Its more of a chronicle of their relationship; again, I appreciated the low angst since both of them have had enough angst in their past, but readers may find this a bit of a slow pace.

Cora and Beau are total #relationshipgoals! They are truly devoted to making each other happy. It was such a pleasant read to see a more mature relationship as opposed to the drama-llama types with miscommunications and manufactured problems. Bottom line, while this might be a slow plot for those who love the angst, its perfect for those who like to see a couple work together on real life issues. Torn will appeal to readers who are sick of new adult relationships that are fraught with immature rubbish.

While this is book 3 of the series, you can read them as stand alones. I haven't read the previous books and it didn't affect my enjoyment at all! ( )
  thebookdisciple | Oct 9, 2018 |
Whiskey Sharp: Torn
By Lauren Dane
Whiskey Sharp #3

Looking for an easy to read uncomplicated love story? If so, this is a good bet. Beau and Cora lived near one another when she was underage and she had a crush on him but she was definitely not on his radar till she reappeared in his live seventeen years later. And, when she appeared…she was instantly on his radar and her old crush was brought out, dusted off and quickly acted upon. Yes, they were a couple that fell into one another’s arms rapidly – like first date rapidly – and continued that aspect of their relationship throughout the book. Their dates were relatively tame with trips to places easily accessible to most and their encounters with her family much like others. His backstory included a cult, excommunication and family he is trying to locate and her story included a difficult prima donna type personality but all in all their confrontations were minimal and their love story flowed without bumps in the road ending with a HEA though no true closure on their pasts. I suppose many don’t get closure in life so why expect one in a romance? That said, if the author should choose to there is potential for stories in Cora’s family members and the cult that still has some of Beau’s family involved in it.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin Books for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Jul 1, 2018 |
( )
  Janicemo | Aug 19, 2018 |
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Sometimes what you find isn't what you were searching for Beau Petty has been searching his whole life. Searching for a place that fills all the empty spaces in him. Searching for a way to tame the restlessness. Searching for answers to the secret he's never stopped trying to solve. What he wasn't searching for was a woman to claim all of him, but when Cora Silvera walks back into his life, he's ready to search out all the ways he can make her his. Cora has spent her life as the family nurturer, taking care of others. But now she's ready to pass that job on to someone else. It's time to make some changes and live for herself. It's in that moment that her former teenage crush reappears and the draw and the heat of their instant connection is like nothing either of them has experienced. He craves being around her. She accepts him, dark corners and all. Beau thinks Cora's had enough drama in her life. He wants to protect her from the secrets of his past, even if it means holding back the last pieces of himself. But Cora is no pushover and she means to claim all those pieces.

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