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Sweet Home Highlander

par Amalie Howard, Angie Morgan

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Séries: Tartans & Titans (1)

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Lady Aisla Montgomery has a perfectly tolerable long as her husband stays in Scotland and she in Paris. But now, years later, she wants only one thing—a divorce. Niall Stuart Maclaren, the rugged Laird of Tarbendale rues the day he met his beautiful, conniving wife. Though the thought of her incites a bitter and biting fury, no other woman has ever stirred his blood as hotly. When Aisla returns to Scotland to sever ties, Niall agrees on one condition—one week with him for every year of desertion. Six weeks as his wife in his his exchange for her freedom. Each book in the Tartans & Titans series is STANDALONE: * Sweet Home Highlander * A Lord for the Lass * What a Scot Wants.… (plus d'informations)

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Redemption was a bit too late for me.

He accuses her and won't listen for far too long.

It's hard to believe his attitude would change next time there was an issue.
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
Sweet Home Highlander by Amalie Howard and Angie Morgan
Tartans and Titans #1

Historical romance set in Scotland with a second chance at romance theme for Niall and Aisla proved to me that what is usually wrong with a relationship in the beginning is often a problem later on or should the two get back together again.

Both hero and heroine seemed a bit lame brained at times and had me scratching my head thinking they must be daft or not have thought things through before saying or doing what they said or did. I wondered about their getting together the first time even though I kind of remembered older brother Ronan confronting Niall over his drinking…wanted a few more details about the beginning and that might have helped me understand why they were still so in love with one another even if unwilling to communicate with one another.

The two did get their happily ever after eventually. Evil was thwarted. There is an intriguing side story that has me wondering if Julien and Makenna might end up together or at least find their own HEA together or with someone else. And I also wonder if Ronan will eventually find a bride.

I enjoyed the story but wished that Niall and Aislin had communicated more openly and thus avoided the angst and drama they seemed to have to deal with. I have told friends that to make a marriage work there needs to be communication, commitment and trust…these two had a problem with these throughout the book…I do hope they get things right after the book ends.

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing – Amara for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | May 18, 2018 |

( )
  ayoshina | Jul 31, 2022 |
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Howard, Amalieauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Morgan, Angieauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Woodson, PaulNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Lady Aisla Montgomery has a perfectly tolerable long as her husband stays in Scotland and she in Paris. But now, years later, she wants only one thing—a divorce. Niall Stuart Maclaren, the rugged Laird of Tarbendale rues the day he met his beautiful, conniving wife. Though the thought of her incites a bitter and biting fury, no other woman has ever stirred his blood as hotly. When Aisla returns to Scotland to sever ties, Niall agrees on one condition—one week with him for every year of desertion. Six weeks as his wife in his his exchange for her freedom. Each book in the Tartans & Titans series is STANDALONE: * Sweet Home Highlander * A Lord for the Lass * What a Scot Wants.

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