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par Lauren Dane

Séries: Whiskey Sharp (2)

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602449,596 (4.07)Aucun
The sweetest reward comes after the longest wait. Vicktor Orlov took one look at the wary gaze and slow-to-trust personality of the deliciously sexy and fascinating Rachel Dolan and knew he wanted more than just a casual friendship. But as a natural protector, he also knew bossiness and overprotective maneuvering would push her away. He'll use every tool in his easygoing arsenal to convince her to take a chance on them. Rachel's flourishing new career as a tattoo artist has brought color back into a life previously damaged by violence. She knows she can trust Vic-it's herself she's not sure of. She doesn't want to be caged or controlled, protected so much she has no ability to make her own choices. And damn if the man doesn't know it. When Vic finally drops all pretenses of "just friends" and focuses all his careful affection and irresistible seduction on her, Rachel knows she's falling hard for the laid-back pretty-boy Russian she's discovered has a relentlessly steel spine when it comes to her. And she can't resist.… (plus d'informations)

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Jagged by Lauren Dane
Whiskey Sharp #2

Viktor Orlov is almost too good to be true. He is the perfect date, book boyfriend, lover and all around good guy. He bakes and cooks and hikes and runs and is strong and handsome and Russian. He loves his family, knows he wants Rachel and is bound and determined to be there for her…forever. He accepts she is damaged from her experience being kidnapped by a psychopath but he also likes and loves her as she is.

Rachel Dolan has a dysfunctional family of which I couldn’t figure out all the pieces. Her father is an abusive bully who wants to get his own way at the expense of any and all. Rachel has had a rough time, left her job with the FBI and is working as a tattoo artist. She is in therapy, definitely has PTSD and yet is coming out of her experiences a strong woman willing to stand up for what she believes in and believes needs to be done for herself and those she cares about.

This is a feel good romance without trouble or angst between the hero and heroine as the main difficulty comes from Rachel’s parents. I was able to pick up on most of the backstory but felt at times I would have been nice to have that information to flesh out this story.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars ( )
  CathyGeha | Mar 27, 2018 |
family ( )
  Janicemo | Aug 19, 2018 |
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The sweetest reward comes after the longest wait. Vicktor Orlov took one look at the wary gaze and slow-to-trust personality of the deliciously sexy and fascinating Rachel Dolan and knew he wanted more than just a casual friendship. But as a natural protector, he also knew bossiness and overprotective maneuvering would push her away. He'll use every tool in his easygoing arsenal to convince her to take a chance on them. Rachel's flourishing new career as a tattoo artist has brought color back into a life previously damaged by violence. She knows she can trust Vic-it's herself she's not sure of. She doesn't want to be caged or controlled, protected so much she has no ability to make her own choices. And damn if the man doesn't know it. When Vic finally drops all pretenses of "just friends" and focuses all his careful affection and irresistible seduction on her, Rachel knows she's falling hard for the laid-back pretty-boy Russian she's discovered has a relentlessly steel spine when it comes to her. And she can't resist.

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