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The Earl's Practical Marriage

par Louise Allen

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Giles Redmond, Earl of Revesby, is marrying childhood friend Laurel Knighton because it's the only way to save his family fortune. Last time he saw her she was an unconventional tomboy... Now she's a beauty, but finding himself aroused by her is as baffling as it is surprising. Who would have thought such an infuriating, disobedient bride could be so tempting?… (plus d'informations)

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The low rating probably isn’t really fair or accurate, it’s just that I LOVED the setup and was a bit disappointed in the execution. This is like the anti-Big Misunderstandings novel. Not because their communication is good (it’s not), but because three - THREE - setups for angst are wasted because the heroine just accepts things without hurt or drama. Seriously! Their initial reacquaintance is smooth and easy, missed opportunity but ok, fine. But then she handles the Beatriz thing like a calm adult, which I appreciate IRL but not in an escapist romance novel! AND THEN, she finally finds out about the secret bargain, from eavesdropping no less, and she basically just accepts things, no problem. WHERE IS THE GROVELING???? So a good book with excellent characters, but too many missed angst opportunities for my tastes (2.5 stars) ( )
  Rhiannon.Mistwalker | Aug 19, 2022 |
There are some flaws here with his attitude and inability to talk to explain that he actually loves her. Yes he needs her help to keep his lands and she wants to find a place for herself. She doesn't realise that she has money and will lose it if she doesn't marry. Life is complicated and the two of them have known each other for a long time but there's an attraction there.

Entertaining but there are times when the petty conflicts could have been solved by more talk. ( )
  wyvernfriend | Sep 24, 2018 |
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Giles Redmond, Earl of Revesby, is marrying childhood friend Laurel Knighton because it's the only way to save his family fortune. Last time he saw her she was an unconventional tomboy... Now she's a beauty, but finding himself aroused by her is as baffling as it is surprising. Who would have thought such an infuriating, disobedient bride could be so tempting?

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