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Conservation: RIBA Plan of Work 2013 Guide

par Hugh Feilden

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"Conservation is part of a brand new series providing must-read practical guidance to running efficient and successful projects using the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Each guide takes a particular angle -- in this case the author guides you through working on a conservation project -- and explains the essential activities required at each stage. Concise and easy to use with a consistent format these guides provide the ultimate quick reference support at your desk or on-site. This is an authoritative 'how to' full of pragmatic advice, examples and in-text features such as 'hints and tips' that illuminate best practice and clever solutions. Designed to be used on all projects -- large and small -- and across all types of procurement, they are task rather than role-oriented acknowledging that a variety of people take on these responsibilities. They are also invaluable for architectural students at Part 3 who are getting to grips with the realities of practice."--… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parHT.LibraryBooks, HB-Library-159

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  HT.LibraryBooks | Feb 16, 2022 |
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  HB-Library-159 | Feb 22, 2018 |
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"Conservation is part of a brand new series providing must-read practical guidance to running efficient and successful projects using the new RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Each guide takes a particular angle -- in this case the author guides you through working on a conservation project -- and explains the essential activities required at each stage. Concise and easy to use with a consistent format these guides provide the ultimate quick reference support at your desk or on-site. This is an authoritative 'how to' full of pragmatic advice, examples and in-text features such as 'hints and tips' that illuminate best practice and clever solutions. Designed to be used on all projects -- large and small -- and across all types of procurement, they are task rather than role-oriented acknowledging that a variety of people take on these responsibilities. They are also invaluable for architectural students at Part 3 who are getting to grips with the realities of practice."--

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