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Do Over

par Serena Bell

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

I've gotten a do over... And I'm determined not to screw it up.

I'm a tough guy. I'm a whiz with power tools, earned my hard hat and work boots the legit way, and can throw a football spiral that makes pro quarterbacks weep. But when Maddie, the mother of my son, shows up on my doorstep in tears, I have zero defenses. I can't say no to my kid. Or his mom. Never have been able to.

That's how I make two big impulsive decisions: giving Maddie a bed to sleep in... and climbing in with her. Now I've got my kid and his mom living under my too-small roof, and I can't put the attraction genie back in the bottle.

I always knew I wasn't the guy anyone wanted as a dad or a husband, and nothing's changed in that department. But I can't deny that this time, something's different.

I just hope that thing is me.

An under-one-roof, accidental pregnancy, second chances rom com.

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I LOVED THIS BOOK, AND I HATED JACK'S dad WITH A PASSION! How could ANY parent belittled his son like that to make Jack feel like he was not good father material. Jack must have slept with all the women in town at least once!! I loved that Maddie had stood by his side even at school and they were hardly ever a part. Against her better judgement, they had sex and she got pregnant, but when she drove to his apartment she saw a woman coming out with heels in one hand and her bra in the other! I loved that Jack's mom and sister babysat on the weekends when it was his turn to have the little boy. I HAVE TO READ BOOK TWO AS THE FIRST WAS SO GOOD!! ( )
  HOTCHA | Jun 1, 2022 |
Jack is a bit at a loss at being a full time dad when Maddie moved in with him with his son, but she really needed his help and it was about time he came up to the mark anyway.

I loved this story. It has a lot of POV dialogue which is quite amusing which also makes the character Jack my favourite, it was great to see how his mind ticked. It's a good second chance romance, there's a little past history but too much. Very sweet, very hot when it needs to be. A great romance! ( )
  JulieD2 | Apr 25, 2018 |
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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

I've gotten a do over... And I'm determined not to screw it up.

I'm a tough guy. I'm a whiz with power tools, earned my hard hat and work boots the legit way, and can throw a football spiral that makes pro quarterbacks weep. But when Maddie, the mother of my son, shows up on my doorstep in tears, I have zero defenses. I can't say no to my kid. Or his mom. Never have been able to.

That's how I make two big impulsive decisions: giving Maddie a bed to sleep in... and climbing in with her. Now I've got my kid and his mom living under my too-small roof, and I can't put the attraction genie back in the bottle.

I always knew I wasn't the guy anyone wanted as a dad or a husband, and nothing's changed in that department. But I can't deny that this time, something's different.

I just hope that thing is me.

An under-one-roof, accidental pregnancy, second chances rom com.


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