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Madison Loves to Ride - Part Two

par Matthew Lee

Séries: Madison Loves To Ride (Book 2)

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In book one we meet Madison and her reticent husband, Robert, and their daughter Jessica. In book two, daughter Jessica returns from a summer of travel, accompanied by two male friends, further complicating the salacious escapades Madison has come to crave. Robert has encouraged Madison to follow every lust she has and Maddie does exactly that, sometimes doubting her own sanity.Madison's job as a massage therapist continues to feed her a steady stream of handsome college athletes, which she samples joyfully, but the discovery they know her daughter puts Madison in a delicate position and gives them power over her, power they aren't afraid to use.Madison seeks relief in the arms of Tony, an ex-boyfriend and rival to Robert, and while it agonizes him that Tony enjoys his wife, Robert also loves his submissive role in the arrangement. Mother and daughter are on a collision course over Jessica's friends and the final resolution will leave you stunned. Finally, Abby from book one returns and with her new boyfriend, Derek, a towering black man and client of Madison. Abby is hungry for a replay of her time with Maddie and Madison cannot tell her no, especially since this time Derek will join them.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté paranxovert, MatthewLee

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I enjoy Matthew Lee's books, but I have been disappointed in the direction his "part twos" have taken in the past. That was so not the case on this occasion.

At the end of the first book, Robert knew his wife had been cheating, and he was more than happy with the state of affairs. But Madison misses the thrill of misbehaving, and she soon starts a new series of misadventures with a group of clients at her workplace. She keeps them for herself, leaving Robert out of the loop.

Further complications arise when their daughter, Jessica, returns home. Jessica has been confiding her sexual adventures to Madison. When Jessica's two male partners come to stay in the family home, things heat up for Madison in a previously inconceivable and taboo new direction.

So, Matthew Lee does it again. If you love married women who love their husbands and love adventurous sex almost as much, then you're going to love the increasingly depraved conclusion to Madison's story.

This is part two of a duology, with many recurring characters. Prospective readers should absolutely read the first part before diving into this one. ( )
  anxovert | Sep 4, 2024 |
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In book one we meet Madison and her reticent husband, Robert, and their daughter Jessica. In book two, daughter Jessica returns from a summer of travel, accompanied by two male friends, further complicating the salacious escapades Madison has come to crave. Robert has encouraged Madison to follow every lust she has and Maddie does exactly that, sometimes doubting her own sanity.Madison's job as a massage therapist continues to feed her a steady stream of handsome college athletes, which she samples joyfully, but the discovery they know her daughter puts Madison in a delicate position and gives them power over her, power they aren't afraid to use.Madison seeks relief in the arms of Tony, an ex-boyfriend and rival to Robert, and while it agonizes him that Tony enjoys his wife, Robert also loves his submissive role in the arrangement. Mother and daughter are on a collision course over Jessica's friends and the final resolution will leave you stunned. Finally, Abby from book one returns and with her new boyfriend, Derek, a towering black man and client of Madison. Abby is hungry for a replay of her time with Maddie and Madison cannot tell her no, especially since this time Derek will join them.

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