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Golden Handcuffs: The Lowly Life of a High Flyer

par Polly Courtney

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"A job at Cray McKinley is whatever you make of it. For the real high flyers, there's no limit to what you can achieve." Abby is a high flyer. But she's not your average banker. Driven by something other than money and status, she has her own reasons for climbing the ladder. And so does Mike. An ambitious young graduate with an equally impressive CV, Mike is in it for the six-figure salaries and fast cars. He's got the skills, the grades and the swagger to make it all the way to the top. But neither Abby nor Mike is prepared for the life that awaits them behind the mirrored glass doors. In a world where verbal abuse is commonplace, greed is everywhere and sexual harassment is just part of the fun, the young bankers are forced to find new ways to compete - and not just against one another. Based on the author's experiences as a junior investment banker, Golden Handcuffs is a fresh, gripping insight into life in the Square Mile and what it really means to sell your soul to the City.… (plus d'informations)

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Well, that was all right. Not as bad as I might have expected, given how efficientlty it had been promoted.

I thought that the structure (of having alternate chapters devoted to the two protagonists) worked well and gave the thing a formal freshness.

There were places that reminded me of things I'd not thought about for 20 years or so--the feeling that everything you do is wrong and that you exist only to serve the partners; the hours spent doing coloured graphs, your absolute dependnence on the support staff and the can't-be-bothered secretaries; the need to show that you're better than the others.

I'm not sure how far you could call it a novel, but never mind! ( )
  priamel | Dec 22, 2006 |
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Polly Courtneyauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Day-Jones, AnneNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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"A job at Cray McKinley is whatever you make of it. For the real high flyers, there's no limit to what you can achieve." Abby is a high flyer. But she's not your average banker. Driven by something other than money and status, she has her own reasons for climbing the ladder. And so does Mike. An ambitious young graduate with an equally impressive CV, Mike is in it for the six-figure salaries and fast cars. He's got the skills, the grades and the swagger to make it all the way to the top. But neither Abby nor Mike is prepared for the life that awaits them behind the mirrored glass doors. In a world where verbal abuse is commonplace, greed is everywhere and sexual harassment is just part of the fun, the young bankers are forced to find new ways to compete - and not just against one another. Based on the author's experiences as a junior investment banker, Golden Handcuffs is a fresh, gripping insight into life in the Square Mile and what it really means to sell your soul to the City.

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