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How to American: An Immigrant's Guide to Disappointing Your Parents

par Jimmy O. Yang

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1247227,968 (3.54)1
"Jimmy O. Yang is a standup comedian, film and TV actor and fan favorite as the character Jian Yang from the popular HBO series Silicon Valley. In How to American, he shares his story of growing up as a Chinese immigrant who pursued a Hollywood career against the wishes of his parents: Yang arrived in Los Angeles from Hong Kong at age 13, learned English by watching BET RapCity for three hours a day, and worked as a strip club DJ while pursuing his comedy career. He chronicles a near deportation episode during a college trip Tijuana to finally becoming a proud US citizen ten years later. Featuring those and many other hilarious stories, while sharing some hard-earned lessons, How to American mocks stereotypes while offering tongue in cheek advice on pursuing the American dreams of fame, fortune, and strippers."--… (plus d'informations)

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This is a humorous look at Jimmy's life as an immigrant from Hong Kong to LA. Even though his lived experiences to date have been very different from mine, he tells his story in a very relatable way. ( )
  ca.bookwyrm | Apr 26, 2022 |
Enjoyable read. ( )
  wellington299 | Feb 19, 2022 |

This book was enjoyable until the last quarter when Jimmy started getting into a victimization narrative. It was laugh out loud funny. Jimmy down mahouts into a sob story that some fans and non fans did not know he spoke English or that he would be ‘Karate kid’ and other such derision. Some people are dumb and say dumb things. It’s pretty narcissistic to complain in an autobiography pages after describing how you’ve achieved all your dreams.

Oh and “The Asian culture?”

That is said in this book. There is one Asian culture. It is represented by a guy from LA via Hong Kong. Don’t tell the Koreans and Japanese and Indians I know.

I was wrong to expect more from the “ I eat the fish” catchphrase actor. ( )
  allandebono | Mar 21, 2020 |
Audio. The introduction from Mike Judge is, frankly, boring and there are some repetitive passages and places where it feels too earnest, but it's generally enjoyable. ( )
  BillieBook | Nov 20, 2018 |
Narrated by the author. This is the classic immigrant story: an outsider strives to fit in with varying levels of success. Yang's story is laugh-out-loud hilarious. As a teen, he learned English and American culture by watching rap videos on BET. He wanted to find his own way in America and not be siloed with the other Asian kids. In college he struggled to find his path while studying for an economics degree. After college, he decided to pursue comedy and acting, while earning the rent as a strip club DJ. In the end, listeners further appreciate what it means to be an American. Yang's performance is as fun as watching a rollicking stand-up routine. ( )
  Salsabrarian | Jun 24, 2018 |
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"Jimmy O. Yang is a standup comedian, film and TV actor and fan favorite as the character Jian Yang from the popular HBO series Silicon Valley. In How to American, he shares his story of growing up as a Chinese immigrant who pursued a Hollywood career against the wishes of his parents: Yang arrived in Los Angeles from Hong Kong at age 13, learned English by watching BET RapCity for three hours a day, and worked as a strip club DJ while pursuing his comedy career. He chronicles a near deportation episode during a college trip Tijuana to finally becoming a proud US citizen ten years later. Featuring those and many other hilarious stories, while sharing some hard-earned lessons, How to American mocks stereotypes while offering tongue in cheek advice on pursuing the American dreams of fame, fortune, and strippers."--

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