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par Lauren Dane

Séries: Whiskey Sharp (1)

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The sharpest ache comes from wanting what you think you can't have...Maybe Dolan has lived independent, free-spirited and unattached since leaving home at sixteen. Whiskey Sharp, Seattle's sexy vintage-styled barbershop and whiskey bar, gave her a job-and a reason to put down roots. Cutting hair by day, losing herself drumming in a punk rock band by night, she's got it good. But a longtime crush that turns into a hot, edgy night with brooding and bearded Alexsei Petrov makes it a hell of a lot better. Maybe's blunt attitude and carnal smile hooked Alexsei from the start. Protecting people is part of his nature and Maybe is meant to be his...even if she doesn't know it. Yet. He can't help himself from wanting to protect and care for her. But Maybe's fiery independent spirit means pushing back when Alexsei goes too far. Still, he's not afraid to do a little pushing of his own to get what he wants-her in his life, and his bed, for good. Maybe's more intoxicating than all the liquor on his shelf...and he's not afraid to ride the blade's edge to bind her to him.… (plus d'informations)

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4 sur 4
I turned this on for a two hour commute and it won me over. The character of hairdresser Maybe and her infatuation with Alexsei Petrov was captivating. Overall, a very fresh romance but for some reason it didn't have a lot of pull and I didn't return to it. Listened to about half of it. Whiskey Sharp is the name of the barbershop where much of the action takes place. I agree with maebri below that the name Maybe for the heroine was both different in an intriguing way, but a turn off. ( )
  Okies | Sep 12, 2021 |
Uncomfortable at times but extraordinarily well done. Lauren Dane does it again. Maybe's story is heartbreaking. This book made me feel a lot of things, some good, some not so good and I'll be thinking about it for a long time. Lauren Dane has outdone herself with this one and if the next two are anything like this first one, I may have a new favorite series of hers. Seriously, if you haven't read her yet, you don't know what you're missing. ( )
  Stacie-C | May 8, 2021 |
Unrivaled is a sweet, refreshing read - refreshing because it was nice to find a book where the romance isn't overshadowed by drama. I mean..there's plenty of drama here but it's focused more on Maybes horrible parents.
I loved Alexsei, he was probably my favorite character. Alexsei and Maybe support each other and I loved that they had a 2 year friendship before they began a romantic relationship.
One thing I had trouble with was Maybes nickname. I just couldn't get used to reading "maybe" as a name.

The book does end on a cliffhanger though so be prepared. Thankfully, there isn't too long before the next one releases. I'm looking forward to reading about Rachel and Vic next! ( )
  maebri | Mar 10, 2020 |
I received the book for free through Goodreads First Reads. It was a pretty predictable love story, everything settled into place too easily. The drama with her parents was interesting, but not enough to read the next book. I found the language to be a bit harsh, but otherwise it was a decent, easy read. ( )
  Linyarai | Feb 16, 2020 |
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The sharpest ache comes from wanting what you think you can't have...Maybe Dolan has lived independent, free-spirited and unattached since leaving home at sixteen. Whiskey Sharp, Seattle's sexy vintage-styled barbershop and whiskey bar, gave her a job-and a reason to put down roots. Cutting hair by day, losing herself drumming in a punk rock band by night, she's got it good. But a longtime crush that turns into a hot, edgy night with brooding and bearded Alexsei Petrov makes it a hell of a lot better. Maybe's blunt attitude and carnal smile hooked Alexsei from the start. Protecting people is part of his nature and Maybe is meant to be his...even if she doesn't know it. Yet. He can't help himself from wanting to protect and care for her. But Maybe's fiery independent spirit means pushing back when Alexsei goes too far. Still, he's not afraid to do a little pushing of his own to get what he wants-her in his life, and his bed, for good. Maybe's more intoxicating than all the liquor on his shelf...and he's not afraid to ride the blade's edge to bind her to him.

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