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Ghosts and Grudges: a Reverse Harem Urban Fantasy (The Shaman Queen's Harem Book 1)

par Jasmine Walt

Séries: The Shaman Queen's Harem (book 1)

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A hidden world. An ancient power. A trio of hunky, dangerous shamans. What could possibly go wrong? When an ancient spirit awakens a hidden ability within Aika, grateful is the last word that comes to her mind. Being able to summon monsters and spirits to do your bidding might sound cool in comic books, but in real life it brings nothing but trouble. And between chasing after a medical degree, caring for her ailing mother, and running the family business, she's got plenty to deal with. Unfortunately, Aika doesn't have the luxury of ignoring her new abilities. An ancient, powerful evil has taken her mother, and the only way to free her is for Aika to embrace her heritage. Luckily, a couple of hunky shamans have recently taken an interest in Aika, whose abilities are unique from others of her kind. They're willing to train her, and even fight by her side. But the more time Aika spends with her guys, the more she realizes that they might not be what they seem. The truth is just out of reach, and once Aika uncovers it, she'll either find the key to saving their world... ...or destroy the best thing she's ever had. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you can't stand the idea of a girl having relationships with multiple guys and who does NOT have to choose between them, this book is not for you. There's also a sprinkling of swear words, some hot kissing and sexual tension, and plenty of action scenes. You have been warned!… (plus d'informations)

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I need some reality in my fantasy, especially modern urban fantasy. This author selectively ignores big chunks of reality that should be fertile ground for the setting and give strong relatability to the main character.

For example, the main character, Aika, is established as having taken on many burdens of responsibility. While her mother battles cancer, Akia is her caretaker and she is running her mother's restaurant while also being a pre-med student. She has a lot on her plate, right? Then her mother is kidnapped and Aika immediately takes off into fantasy-land for who-knows-how-long, forsaking all other responsibilities without even a single thought about missing work or class. She doesn't even make a phone call to her restaurant workers or drop an e-mail to professors! Sorry, that's just *not* realistic-- or believable. ( )
  imayb1 | Jan 9, 2018 |
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A hidden world. An ancient power. A trio of hunky, dangerous shamans. What could possibly go wrong? When an ancient spirit awakens a hidden ability within Aika, grateful is the last word that comes to her mind. Being able to summon monsters and spirits to do your bidding might sound cool in comic books, but in real life it brings nothing but trouble. And between chasing after a medical degree, caring for her ailing mother, and running the family business, she's got plenty to deal with. Unfortunately, Aika doesn't have the luxury of ignoring her new abilities. An ancient, powerful evil has taken her mother, and the only way to free her is for Aika to embrace her heritage. Luckily, a couple of hunky shamans have recently taken an interest in Aika, whose abilities are unique from others of her kind. They're willing to train her, and even fight by her side. But the more time Aika spends with her guys, the more she realizes that they might not be what they seem. The truth is just out of reach, and once Aika uncovers it, she'll either find the key to saving their world... ...or destroy the best thing she's ever had. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you can't stand the idea of a girl having relationships with multiple guys and who does NOT have to choose between them, this book is not for you. There's also a sprinkling of swear words, some hot kissing and sexual tension, and plenty of action scenes. You have been warned!

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