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All We Knew

par Jamie Beck

Séries: The Cabots (2)

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323773,413 (3.95)1
"Hunter Cabot deeply loves two things: the international tea company he's helped his father build, and his wife, Sara. From the moment he first saw her wide smile on their college campus years ago, Hunter fell hard. Yet now, with other family members pushing to sell the thriving business and Sara grieving their failure to start a family, he's suddenly facing the crushing loss of both. The relentless ambition that Sara once admired in Hunter is now driving them apart. Each missed doctor's appointment, neglected dinner date, and family squabble accentuates their differing priorities. Still, Sara struggles to create the home life they'd envisioned, until unsettling developments--both personal and professional--push them to the breaking point. When love is put to the ultimate test, can Hunter and Sara stop fighting each other long enough to fight for their marriage?"--Page [4] of cover.… (plus d'informations)

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It's okay. ( )
  izzied | Oct 29, 2020 |
Hunter Cabot is the successful CFO of Cabot Tea. His wife Sara is home, having quit her job to follow through on fertility treatments which are unsuccessful. She's consumed by her infertility while Hunter is absorbed with his work and family feuds. They've had a loving and successful marriage up until now, but the lines of communication are breaking down and neither knows what to do.
Ms. Beck writes realistic stories on real-life themes. Sometimes they're a bit heavy, and this is one of those, though it is well-written and the characters interesting. It takes a while for Hunter and Sara to realize how lucky they really are, and there's a convenient ending. The secondary characters are more intriguing here than in the first book. Leslie, Hunter's mother, comes across as more nuanced and not as dippy as she seemed in the first book. Gentry, who underwent some redemption in the first book, loses all that and more here, acting much more like her mother who's a witch (I know this is a setup for the last book in the series, but she's very hard to like). While I feel bad for Jed's illness, his character weaknesses are on display here.
It's a good read, even if I thought the ending a little too convenient. Now onto Gentry's story. ( )
  N.W.Moors | Dec 24, 2018 |
This is an emotional story of the effect of infertility & hormone therapy on a happy marriage. Hunter & Sara were instantly attracted to each other the first time they saw each other. They were a happy couple until they started having trouble conceiving. Sara started getting more & more stressed with what she perceived as her failures. Hunter was spending more & more time at work obsessing about the family business. Sara didn't realize this when she was working but after she quit work to try to concentrate on getting pregnant, she realized how bad it had gotten. Things came to a head of several months until they stood at a crossroads. Do they fight for their marriage or give up?

This story is an in depth analysis of the journey of a marriage from honeymoon through turmoil to the second chance. The dialogue perfectly portrays the interactions of all of the family & the outside influences on them. I started this book expecting a typical contemporary romance but it ended up being so much more. It was a complete emotional experience. I laughed. I cried. I got angry. It was the whole emotional spectrum rolled up into one concise well written story. I can't wait to read more from this author! ( )
  Pam50627 | Oct 25, 2017 |
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"Hunter Cabot deeply loves two things: the international tea company he's helped his father build, and his wife, Sara. From the moment he first saw her wide smile on their college campus years ago, Hunter fell hard. Yet now, with other family members pushing to sell the thriving business and Sara grieving their failure to start a family, he's suddenly facing the crushing loss of both. The relentless ambition that Sara once admired in Hunter is now driving them apart. Each missed doctor's appointment, neglected dinner date, and family squabble accentuates their differing priorities. Still, Sara struggles to create the home life they'd envisioned, until unsettling developments--both personal and professional--push them to the breaking point. When love is put to the ultimate test, can Hunter and Sara stop fighting each other long enough to fight for their marriage?"--Page [4] of cover.

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