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Roger Moore: À Bientôt . . .

par Roger Moore

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In this warm and engaging book, the late, great Sir Roger Moore reflects on life and aging. Delivered, along with his own hand-drawn sketches, to his publisher mere days before he passed away, in this book, Roger looks back on his life - and gives it his trademark sideways glance, too. The true stories and situations he shares in this warm and intimate book reveal a 'Bond Unbound', the human being inside the action-adventure character that made him so famous the world over. Always upbeat and - as ever - endearingly self-effacing and unpretentious, in A bientot he shares the joys he experienced every day along with the tiny triumphs that life brings to us all at the most unexpected times.… (plus d'informations)

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Review A book filled with wisdom, warmth and witty humour, written by one of our modern legends. Using a remarkably readable language and never forgetting his gentlemanly manners, Sir Roger Moore shares hilarious, memorable and touching moments from his life, writing in subjects suh as wartime memories, the joys of traveling, technical development and growing older. It's a quick read and the social commentary will surprise some, while most readers will find it very funny. Some of the references and jokes work better on English and possibly American readers, though, so it might not be equally accessible to all readers. ( )
  MrScallops | Jan 9, 2020 |
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In this warm and engaging book, the late, great Sir Roger Moore reflects on life and aging. Delivered, along with his own hand-drawn sketches, to his publisher mere days before he passed away, in this book, Roger looks back on his life - and gives it his trademark sideways glance, too. The true stories and situations he shares in this warm and intimate book reveal a 'Bond Unbound', the human being inside the action-adventure character that made him so famous the world over. Always upbeat and - as ever - endearingly self-effacing and unpretentious, in A bientot he shares the joys he experienced every day along with the tiny triumphs that life brings to us all at the most unexpected times.

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